choice four.

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it's been three months? or two? omgg. sorry. i just got a huge block when it came to this story :(

as the chapters go by, my writing worsens so that's a fantastic bonus, isn't it.

and i'll really try slowing things down. regarding this chapter, i personally think that taehyung should know, so yeah.

taehyung watched from their living room couch as yoongi entered their apartment, looking upset and tired because of something taehyung didn't know about.

yeah. can you believe it? taehyung didn't know the current source of yoongi's stress.

listen... throughout all the years of his friendship with yoongi, taehyung's always been the one yoongi turned to when the older of the two seemed troubled. same applied to taehyung, he'd always approach yoongi with his problems, seeking for some help or comfort.

but for the past few days, since the day of their nightclub outing, yoongi's been acting a bit... odd. taehyung noticed how the peculiar behavior started at the cafe, the one time he talked to yoongi during the older's shift, when suddenly, yoongi blacked out or something. like, he paused for a second and all of a sudden, he was clueless of what was happening. sort of like a robot that went on stand-by mode.

then he babbled of some boyfriend— tch, boyfriend? taehyung still laughed at it now, as yoongi's never had a boyfriend before. no matter how embarrassing it was, he would've told taehyung about it.

but that's not all. afterwards, yoongi tagged along for the nightclub outing, which is normal... but taehyung knows that yoongi would rarely make an effort with human interaction or social events such as hanging around in a freaking nightclub packed with people yoongi's disliked for forever. you know-- the party type of people.

besides that, yoongi's been talking to himself. was his best friend going insane? taehyung doesn't know, but what really bothered him..

...was jeongguk.

whatever his last name was.

like he'd said that night, yoongi never mentioned him. and that's saying something, as yoongi's friends are taehyung's, and vice versa. he's never even seen the guy around campus. and hey, it's december, aka winter break, and most of the students (those who don't go home until three days prior to christmas, so taehyung assumed that jeongguk's apart of that crowd) usually roamed around the place at this time-- you know, the cafes and such. but taehyung has legitimitely never laid his eyes upon jeongguk without yoongi on his side.

it's as if he was dropped out of nowhere, all of a sudden too close with taehyung's best friend.

and it's bothering kim taehyung.

so, he'd like to get to the bottom of this, thank you very much.

and right when yoongi was about to walk by the living room and head for his own room, taehyung cleared his throat, loud enough for the two of them to hear.

yoongi snapped his head towards taehyung, giving the younger a small smile, one that taehyung quickly saw through-- it was obvious how his friend was only smiling to hide how he was actually upset.

taehyung watched as yoongi strode over and sat down on the couch, next to him, waiting for the younger to begin a conversation. 

and he does with a direct stare towards yoongi, "are you okay?"

yoongi blinked once. "what."

"i noticed how you seem like you have some kind of problem." taehyung said, "and you're not telling me what."

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