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'W...Where am I?' I herd Stephie asked, trying to shake the cuffs around her wrists off. I stepped out of the shadows, a wide grin and crazy eyes on my face. My smile looked much like the Cheshire Cat and it fit my mood very well. 'Who are you? Where am I? Where's Frank?'
I gripped the baseball bat Gerard had in his arsenal and chuckled darkly at the feeling of wood against my skin. 'You're in my world now. How you're about to feel is how I am without Frank. You shot him, and now you're going to feel our pain.' I lifted the bat, gently tracing it across her porcelain skin. She shuttered as I lifted her head with the edge of the bat. 'And don't think about escaping, I got Gerard to cut out your kneecaps.' I lifted the bat above my head before striking her left shoulder. I herd it crack and I giggled maniacally as she screamed. 'Shut up!' I hit her again but in her mouth. At least two of her teeth fell out and fell on the ground. I picked them up and placed one on my pocket and the other back in her mouth. 'Eat it.' I ordered. She shook her head rapidly, some blood flying out from between her lips. 'Now!' I dug my nails into her jaw and forced her mouth closed. Slowly, she gulped her tooth down. 'Good.' I let go of her jaw and gripped the bat with both hands, aiming for her right rib. 'My little pet...I'm going to torture you.'

I sat beside my pale Frankie as he lied passed out on the hospital bed. 'He'll live, it might be a while before he's fully healed but he's going to be just fine. As for Stephie. She'll be healed in a few hours. You just cracked a few bones and bruised her is all. I'll-'
'I want you to remove her legs.'

Stephie screamed as she looked down at her legless body. Her hands were bound to a bar on Gerards favourite metal torture table. 'I'm going to keep you alive until Frank is fully healed. Then,' I leaned down, my face inches away from hers 'I'm gonna throw you in the trunk of a car. I'm gonna fill it with broken glass and a single bowling ball. I'm just going to drive you around...however...I don't know how to drive, so expect a bumpy ride.'
'P- Please...just kill me...' I regained my crazy eyes as she begged and pleaded for forgiveness.
'I will, eventually...'

I watched as Gerard sewed her left eyelid shut. He was enjoying himself. 'I can't wait to see her fucking brains leaking out of her skull.' He muttered, being extra harsh with her. She was completely strapped down and completely conscious, listening to Gerard as he taunted her. I reminded Gerard not to swear before walking away and towards Franks temporary bedroom. He was healing quite well and since killing an Italian gang member Frank and I were forced to live in the office until we got a more secure home. It was an average sized office that they moved the desk from and put in a queen sized bed for Frank and I. It was fairly average and yet, very homey. He was calmly laying on his back, bandaged coating the upper half of his torso. I took the tooth from my pocket and placed it on the small draw beside the bed and leaned over him, gently mumbling into his ear. 'My prince, thank you. You saved my life...I hope you didn't feel obligated because I saved you once. I want you to wake up tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then wake up the day after. If not the day after, next week. I don't want to wait before killing the vermin who hurt you. I want you to see her...' I leaned forward, gently kissing his cheek and leaving the room.

How far could I go with you? (Mafia! Frank x reader)Where stories live. Discover now