Chapter Four

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~~Natsu's POV~~

Do I really put the "drag" in Dragneel? Well, that's what Happy told me.

We were on our way to this building where Lucy was supposed to go to. But somehow I trailed from the trail because I smelled Lucy: vanilla and strawberries.

"Where are you going?" Happy asked as I sniffed the ground and started to move quickly. Happy flew max speed beside me. "Geez, Natsu. When you smell something you take off after it." There was a silence. "Only if Lucy isn't quick enough to grab you."

I ignored the talking blue Exceed. There was only one thing on my mind: Lucy!

Guess now you know how much I feel for Lucy.

I never really liked anyone. Before I met Lucy, little Levy was telling me about how only a person's soulmate can snap them out of a charm. I told Levy I didn't care and headed off to search for Igneel. Then I met Lucy. She tagged along with Happy and I because she seemed to like Happy. And she wanted to help. We became friends, I introduced her to Fairytail, and she joined Fairytail, we formed a team, we had adventures for years and I fell in love. And we became closer, and then Gray pops up like a wart. And I'm determined to take off that annoying wart.

I reached a small wooden shack, that seemed locked up. Lucy's scent was really strong there. I sniffed the air and got closer.

"Natsu? Why did we stop here?" Happy asked. He spotted the shack. "What the heck? You think Lucy's here?"

I shook my head. "I'm sure of it."

Flame surrounded my fists and I started to bang on the door when I heard a familiar gasp.


"Lucy!" I yelled.

I punched the door again until I made a cake-sized hole. A blonde mage rushed up to me and I took her hands. Lucy was crying hard. I gasped. Lucy never cries unless something serious is going on.

"Lucy! Whoever made you cry is gonna fucking PAY!" I yelled. I meant it.

Lucy shook her head. "G-g-gray...he's torturing me..I know its not the real Gray..." She whispered.

I sighed and wiped away Lucy's tears. A slight blush appeared on her face. I smiled at her and Lucy looked up at me. "I'll get you out of here first, and then explain everything."

I started to punch the door again. Why was it so hard to knock down a wooden door? Thats when Lucy stopped me.

"Stop, Natsu!" Lucy yelled. I looked at her, confused, then I stopped. "I can't...if you punch it down, its gonna electrecute you!"

"What? Then how are we gonna get you outta there, Lushee?" Happy asked.


Lucy looked up at me, getting misty-eyed.

"I don't care if I die. Your safety is my top priority," I said bravely. A tear fell.

"Aww, don't cry, Lucy..." Happy cooed, trying to stop Lucy from crying. I smiled at Lucy, and she blushed again.

"But I don't want you to die, Natsu," Lucy whispered. Then her eyes widened as I sensed someone behind me with a great deal of magic energy.

"But I do," Gray Fullbuster said, smirking.

Happy and I turned around, shocked. Lucy started to scream. "No, Gray, don't kill him!"

"Oh, beloved, I won't. I'll just torture him along with you," Gray laughed.

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