Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Two months later

            Sunlight streamed in through the pale blue curtains, hitting the back of Daniella’s eyelids. She breathed deeply and opened her eyes, smiling when she remembered what day it was.

            Today was graduation day, or, as they called it in university, convocation day. Today she would receive a special piece of paper that she had worked towards for the last four years. Today, all of her hard work would be recognized.

            She sprang up from the bed, very nearly hitting her head on the low, sloped ceiling. After brushing her teeth and washing her face in the tiny bathroom her and her sister had once shared, and a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs, she was all ready to leave.

            But of course, she couldn’t. It was only eight in the morning, and Lily was most likely barely awake, let alone her father. Both of them had promised to come to the convocation ceremony today, and Daniella wanted to be sure they, or rather, her father, kept that promise.

            Nine o’ clock passed, and Lily was already downstairs and mopping the floor while they waited for Daniella’s father to come downstairs. Daniella found herself watching TVO kids on the dirty couch out of extreme boredom. Her patience was running thin, but they still had another four hours before Daniella was due there. Eventually she helped Lily with the chores, all the while wondering when her father would walk down the stairs, clean and shaven with a great big smile on his face.

            Noon came, and Daniella baked a frozen pepperoni pizza while Lily and her both waited anxiously for Daniella’s father to appear. They both nibbled on the chewy pizza, their eyes glued to the clock as they listened carefully for the sound of John Carter’s footfalls on the steps.

            Half an hour passed, and the house was still silent, with the exception of the refrigerator humming, and the soft breathing of Daniella as she read the newspaper and Lily as she read a book.

            At quarter to one, Lily looked up from her book and sighed. She put her book down on the round, white, plastic kitchen table that served as their dining table as well, and said, “Daniella, I think John isn’t going to come.”

“Lily, he said he would. He’s never broken a promise to me before,” Daniella defended.

“Ella, things are different. They have been for the past year,” Lily said bitterly, using Daniella’s nickname.

“Don’t call me that, Lily.” Daniella’s voice was harsh. “And I know, okay? I know things have been different. Dad lost his job and became a lazy couch potato. Elle…” Her voice broke, but she didn’t need to continue her sentence. Lily knew what she was talking about. It was a touchy subject, one they didn’t need any reminders of.

Lily sighed and looked up at the clock again. It was five to one.

“Daniella, if we don’t go now, you’ll be late for your own convocation ceremony. Are you sure you want to wait for your father?”

Daniella glanced at the clock and bit her lip, thinking for a moment.

“Daniella?” Lily prompted. “Are you sure you want to wait for your father?”

Daniella sighed and took a deep breath in.

“Let’s go, Lily.”


            King’s College Circle, where Convocation Hall, or as it was commonly known among the students, Con Hall was located, was packed with cars parked along the curb. Thousands of people milled around as they murmured excitedly among themselves about their (or their child’s) accomplishments, bragging to their friends and family. The students were clearly visible in the crowd, as many of them were talking animatedly to their friends about their excitement towards finally becoming alumni. Many students were also already dressed in their convocation regalia, the traditional gown and hood that one had to rent.

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