Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Daniella sat in her black leather swivel chair, lightly spinning back and forth with her laptop in her lap as she continued her job search. Now that she had a deadline hanging over her head, Daniella knew that she had to find a job – and fast. Unlike the job-hunting she had done during the past two months, she couldn’t continue to put it off. Working at the local supermarket wouldn’t cut it anymore. She needed money to save up for a place of her own. Living at home with no Lily and just her father would be terrible.

She lifted her finger over the touchpad, ready to click on a position at FedEx when she heard a crash from downstairs.

It wasn’t really a crash, though. It was more like a shatter. The sound of something glassy shattering into a million pieces, its shards strewn all over the floor, just waiting for someone to come and prick themselves by accident. It was quickly followed by a bloodcurdling scream.

Daniella raced down the stairs, coming to see what had been broken and if anyone (i.e. Lily) was hurt. She nearly collided with Lily, who was hurrying up the stairs to the bedroom she shared with Mr. Carter. Lily was sporting a black eye, cradling a bloodied cheek. She pushed past Daniella hurriedly and rushed into her bedroom, throwing open the closet door, hauling out a giant suitcase and plopping it on the bed. She immediately began pulling out clothes from her closet and tossing them unceremoniously into the suitcase. Daniella stood as still as a statue, watching Lily with wide eyes. Lily barely noticed her, continuing to throw clothes into the suitcase robotically, with an occasional sniffle and sob thrown into the mix. Daniella turned her head to stare at her and walked into the doorway.

“Lily!” Daniella exclaimed. Lily’s head jerked up and she looked at Daniella for moment. Then she looked back down and continued to empty the contents of her closet into the giant suitcase. “What’s going on? Why are you bleeding? Why do you have a black eye? Did you break something?”

Lily didn’t answer.

Daniella walked forward and grabbed Lily’s arm, preventing her from flinging more clothes into the suitcase. Lily tried to use her other arm, but Daniella soon grabbed that as well. Lily struggled in the tight hold that Daniella was using, but failed to escape.

“Daniella, let go of me now and go continue your job hunt,” Lily said in a deathly calm voice.

“No,” Daniella replied, her voice thick with emotion. “I won’t let go until you tell me what’s happened.”

“Well then, you better be prepared to hold on for a long time, because I’m not going to tell you.” Lily easily started to pick up more clothes and chuck them into her suitcase, catching Daniella off guard. She only threw in two T-shirts, though, before Daniella tightened her grip, almost crushing Lily’s delicate ivory wrists.

“What happened, Lily.” Daniella’s dark brown eyes were blazing, and her face was dead serious.

Lily didn’t answer, simply sitting down on the bed with her legs crossed neatly.

“Lily, I’m serious.”

“As am I. Now let me go, Daniella.” Her voice shook, and a teardrop rolled slowly down her cheek.

“Lily, just tell me,” Daniella pleaded.

“Daniella, I said, ‘let me go.’” Lily tried throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation, but Daniella held fast. Lily squirmed and tried to free herself, but Daniella still held fast.

“Why won’t you let me go?” Lily shrieked, letting out a shoulder-wracking sob. Startled, Daniella let go of her. “Why can’t you just leave me alone? Why do you have to care so much?” Lily sobbed into her hands, gasping when she felt the salty tears brushing against her bloodied cheeks.

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