Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Daniella sat quietly, listening to the recording Michelle had left her.

We need to discuss some investment opportunities for the sum of money your mother and sister left you.

Daniella grimaced; she hadn’t thought that Michelle would be able to track her down that fast to talk about money.

Money had always been a touchy topic for her. She knew she was technically rich, but she never wanted to use it. In fact, it would’ve been better for her not to have money.

The door groaned open and Kerry-Anne walked in, her Canon camera hanging from her neck. She took off her shoes, glancing at Daniella’s face.

“Didn’t you have a good interview today? After all, I helped you prepare,” Kerry-Anne asked, sitting down on the armrest of the couch.

“It was okay,” Daniella replied, still thinking about the phone call.

“Then why are you still looking like a grouch?” Kerry-Anne asked, curious.

“Listen to this,” Daniella said grimly, and pressed the play button on the recording machine. Kerry-Anne fell silent as she listened.

“Well, I still don't see why you’re unhappy. Ella, you have money! You can buy a mansion! You don’t have to work for the rest of your life! You should be celebrating with a party or something, not moping around on my couch,” Kerry-Anne said incredulously.

“I don’t want the money. I want my mom back. I want my sister,” Daniella said quietly.

“Daniella, the only reason they left you the money is so that you would be happy,” Kerry-Anne argued. “Why don’t you put it to good use then?”

“Kerry, money won’t make me happy.”

“Ella, when will you understand!” Kerry-Anne threw her hands up in the air. “In this world, money is the key to happiness! Everything that you want, that you think will make you happy costs money! If you’re poor, you have nothing! You’re not going to be happy!”

“No, Kerry, you don’t understand. The best things in life don’t cost a cent.”

“Oh, really now?” Kerry-Anne was standing by this point, pacing back and forth and gesturing wildly with her hands. “Name one of these so-called best things.”

Daniella thought for a moment, and the room fell silent. Kerry-Anne held her breath, waiting for Daniella to answer. When Daniella stayed silent, Kerry-Anne started to speak again, in a much softer tone.

“Ella, don’t you see now? Money’s incredibly – “Daniella cut her off.

“Love,” Daniella said quickly.

Kerry-Anne blinked like a fish out of water, then regained her composure.

“Oh, Ella, even love’s not free. Face it, every girl wants clothes and jewelry and little things that cost money from her boyfriend. The guy has to be rich in order to afford all of that.”

“A girl can live without extra clothes or jewelry.”

“Says the girl who uses retail therapy.”

Daniella sighed but didn’t reply.

“You see?” Kerry-Anne grinned triumphantly. “Money makes people happy. That’s why you have to meet with this Michelle person tomorrow.”

“I don’t know, Kerry. Maybe it’s not the best idea ever.”

Kerry-Anne sighed and slumped down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2012 ⏰

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