Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was almost six-thirty by the time Daniella returned to the condo, and by that time, Kerry-Anne was already home, sitting on the couch watching Glee, waiting for her to come home.

It had been four hours since that interview. For the last four hours, Daniella had been aimlessly wandering Eaton Centre, window-shopping and buying nothing. She had walked into HMV and fingered the albums she wanted to buy so much but resisted the temptation. She had walked into Hollister and turned back almost immediately. For the first time ever, retail therapy had not worked for her.

When she saw Daniella come in, Kerry-Anne knew almost immediately something was wrong. Her friend had a forced smile on her face, but her overall body language screamed sadness and disappointment. Kerry-Anne knew better than to ask Daniella about the interview right this moment and resolved to ask about it later, perhaps during dinner, or before bed, or even during breakfast tomorrow. She greeted Daniella gently and continued to watch Glee, even though her thoughts were on how to approach the topic.

“There’s pizza on the table,” Kerry-Anne called. “I left some for you.”

Daniella nodded and grabbed two slices of pizza from the dining table, then headed into her room.

Kerry-Anne watched her disappear down the hallway into her bedroom, her mind wondering what went wrong for Daniella today.


A knock on her door startled Daniella from her diary writing. She quickly hid the diary under her pillow and capped the pen, throwing it in the ‘desk’ corner.

“Come in!” she called, forcing a light-hearted smile on her face.

Kerry-Anne pushed the door open slowly and walked in, taking a seat on the carpeted floor.

“What’s up, Kerry?” Daniella fought to keep up her ‘happy’ façade.

“Don’t ask me what’s up, Daniella. I can see that you’re sad and disappointed. Your ‘happy’ face doesn’t work on me. I’ve known you for over fifteen years, you can’t fool me. What happened at your interview today?”

Daniella smiled weakly and sighed.

“To be honest,” she said slowly. “I don’t even know why I’m so down. Maybe in my heart I had high hopes for this job. But I know that it’s my first interview, chances are I’m not going to get the job. Seeing about fifty other candidates for this job didn’t really help either. Or being interviewed by Jill, little miss prissy-pants.”

“You’re right, Daniella. This is your first interview, finding a job won’t be this easy. But it’s wrong of Canada Post to let so many people come in for an interview. It’s not fair.” Kerry-Anne paused. “And who’s Jill?”

Daniella sighed again.

“Don’t ask. I’m just really sad, Kerry. Sad and disappointed.”

Kerry-Anne patted Daniella’s back gently.

“Hey, just because your first interview was a flop doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world,” Kerry-Anne soothed. “Who knows, maybe you got an email from FedEx today asking you for an interview. Have you checked your email?”

“No,” Daniella said flatly. “Besides, FedEx is such a big company I doubt they’d ask li’l ol’ me for an interview.”

Kerry-Anne smiled encouragingly.

“C’mon, Daniella. You’re an amazing person, I’m sure they’d love to have you work for them! Go, check it right now!”

“No, I refuse to. I’m not an amazing person, Kerry. Stop boosting my self-esteem!” Daniella moaned, burying her face in her pillow.

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