Rewind, Pt I

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+ Happy New Year!

'Magnus, for the last time. NO!' Alec demanded, giving Magnus no time to argue.

'Alec! It's a great idea! Max can stay with Isabelle and Simon whilst we're away! Hawaii is not far!' He pleaded, waving the tickets frantically in Alec's face. Alec was stubborn but susceptible to Magnus' far-too-big puppy eyes.

'Fine.' He breathed, his lips twitching into a shy smile.

'YAY!' Magnus screamed out loud, bringing Alec into a joyful hug- smothering his face in quick kisses. 'I'm making the portal now! Go pack!' He squealed. 'Max is already at Isabelle's and don't worry, I packed.'

Alec took a deep breath and glared at Magnus playfully. 'You knew I would give in, didn't you?' Magnus replied with an egotistical smile and shrugged before closing his eyes and concentrating on making the portal, he was too much of a snob to take any mundane transport.

Alec huffed and dragged his feet towards the bedroom. As soon as he entered, Chairman Meow curled around his feet and Max ran in. 'Daddy! Daddy! You're going! Do I get to hang out with Sherman!' Alec sighed but made no attempt to correct him, just brought him into a warm hug.

'Let me guess, you were in on this too.' Max nodded childishly and ran out, obviously looking for his other father, Alec didn't mind his son and just carried on rushing a collection of black t-shirts into a small duffel bag. 'Magnus!' He called out, he ran in instantly, still seemingly paranoid whenever Alec called on him- the war had affected everybody.

As soon as Magnus realised it was nothing and that Alec was just calling for help, he laughed at himself before reaching into the wardrobe. He entered the overly-sized wardrobe, more of a room than anything else, and stood inside for a nerve racking amount of time. Alec soon became tired of waiting and called for Magnus. He soon appeared holding an array of black jumpers and a weary look on his face. 'Do you own anything OTHER than black!' He exasperated. Alec shook his head timidly, a blush creeping onto his face.

'I should have known.' Magnus sighed before muttering, 'come on, we'll get something when we get there.' He smirked and held out his hand, waiting for Alec to take it. 'You just missed Izzy, they took Max but the portal is all ready to go! Honeymoon try two!' Magnus laughed whilst Alec scowled, he would like to forget the first honeymoon even happened- Peru was obviously not the right place.

'You ready?' He asked as Alec as his grip tightened. Alec nodded feverishly, still unsure of the portal route they were taking. Magnus gave him a quick peck on the cheek before murmuring 'nothing can go wrong in his ear'. Then, they stepped through.

And everything went wrong.


It wasn't anything new to wake up feeling groggy after going through a portal but this, this was worse. Alec's head was on fire whilst Magnus felt like his muscles could barely move.

'Magnus,' Alec croaked 'what have you done.' Magnus replied simply with a grunt, his throat felt like sandpaper and his mind was struggling to comprehend words.

Alec looked up at his surroundings, hoping to find some sort of clue to where they were. All he could see was what looked fairly similar to the London Institute, except for the fact that many of the objects seemed to be in much more pristine conditions.

'Magnus, how the hell did we end up in the London Institute?' Alec asked, struggling to stand on his own two feet. Magnus' head shot up and ignoring the blood rushing to his head, he took in his surroundings.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open. 'Alec...' Magnus paused, looking unsure of himself. 'I think I just found out the way to time travel...' Magnus choked out, unsure of what else to say.

Alec shot a glare at Magnus, was he supposed to believe that Magnus had managed to get them to go back in time? Only did he believe it when he saw Magnus' truly petrified eyes.

'Magnus...what has happened to us.' Magnus' eyes were still agape with fear, he just shook his head and made his way to his feet.

'Tessa!' He called out, warily. Alec shot his head to look at Magnus, Tessa? As in Theresa Grey. What had they got into?

'Magnus! What brings you here!' I light voice called out before a beautiful, young Tessa came out from the next corridor. 'And what the hell are you wearing?!' She stared shocked at both of them. 'Will, do you know what's going on?' Alec looked around, expecting Will Herondale to enter the room to find no one new. That's until he noticed that Tessa was staring right at him. 'You're wearing those awfully odd clothes too! Magnus, what have you done!' Alec' face turned bright red when he finally realised what was going on. He didn't realise him and Will would look that similar.

Magnus, on the other hand, was holding in the laughter. He smiled at Alec and wrapped his arm around his waist- just making the blush rush to Alec's cheeks harder.

'Well, I'm sorry Tessa but Will and I have some much important business to attend to.' He stroked Alec's cheek before bringing him in for a kiss. Alec looked at him shocked before realising what he was doing. Poor Tessa, he thought but nonetheless allowed Magnus to kiss him.

At that very moment, a very angry Will Herondale stormed into the room. 'Can ducks please just get out of my way!' He screeched before entering a room of two kissing men and a shocked looking Tessa.

It was like the whole world froze for a second.

1 seconds.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!' Will screamed, sounding oddly like a girl. 'Why is there a man, who looked oddly like me, kissing Magnus Bane in front of my wife who doesn't seem to be able to comprehend any of this!'

Magnus finally let go of Alec before strolling over to where Will stood and took a deep bow. 'Magnus Bane of the future, nice to meet you again, Will Herondale.' 

word count: 1038

published: 01/01/17

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