Warriors On Land, Kings Underneath

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Recommended by- CamRea

I could say that Magnus wasn't adapt to a battlefield as soon as he stepped onto it. Yes, he had many more years upon him than I did but, despite his helpings in previous wars, he just didn't seem to fit in. There was a single explanation he had given to clear the situation better yet I only found it weighing on my shoulders more as I fought.

'I'm here for you, Alec. I'm here to protect you, not to fight.' His sudden out-of-placeness made sense. He wasn't going to fight, he was going to protect. Me: a shadowhunter. He was going to try and protect a warrior.

It had left him open. Despite his incredible skills of warfare, he had used them all the protect me rather than himself. It was a fatal flaw in his plan because if he were to die, he would no longer be able to protect me.

He had rushed into the situation and I was as unwilling to let him help as he was willing to protect me. In the end, my efforts were futile anyway, he still stood proudly next to me on that battlefield. The one that would win us the war against Sebastian.

So, as soon as the first battle cries roared out, we began fighting immediately. Magnus on my left and Jace on my right, both protecting me...and only one protecting themselves. Jace, slaying demons as if they were toys being hit away, found himself working with me to destroy the onslaught of newly turned dark shadowhunters, Sebastian's men. Unfortunately, Magnus hadn't realised just how crucial teamwork was. He kept barricading them away from us before letting the come one at a time so we could kill them. Yet, he hadn't put himself under that barrier. He was freely inviting monsters to slay him. He had no protection, he was giving it all to us.

'Alec.' I heard a groan before I heard the ring of the sword leaving a body- one that had become eerily familiar. Just, not when that sword was being taken out of an ally...or a lover.

'Magnus!' I screamed, letting Jace fend the last few dark shadowhunters from us as I collapsed at Magnus' side, watching the blood spill from his stomach. He looked like he had been gutted like a fish.

'Alec.' He groaned, any other words swallowed by the pain. Magnus raised a hand hovering over his wound, magic spitting out like water. He was too weak, there was no saving himself. We needed another warlock but I knew, even that, without considering the time it would take, would prove futile in saving him.

Magnus was as good as dead and I would simply have to go on. 'Fight. Don't let me stop you, fight.' Magnus sounded so stern behind his mask of pain, twisting and contorting his face into one I was afraid of. The was the face of lost hope.

'No, I'm staying by your side. I'll be by your side, for eternity. Okay, Mags?' He nodded weakly and smiled as warmly as he could muster. I scanned the battlefield, only to find so many of us mourning the fallen. So many shadowhunters on their knees, praying for the deceased.

'Magnus, please don't leave me.' I cried, the first tears spilling across my dry cheeks, soaking the blood of others that had sprayed against them.

'I won't.' He reassured but it only took seconds for his breathing to slow. I knew it wouldn't be long until he was gone.

'I love you.' I sobbed, the words muffled by the tears spilling down into my mouth.

'I love you too.' He murmured before his last drop of blood was drained and he was left pale-faced, dead.

'No. No, no, no, no, no. No!' I screamed and suddenly the world around my burst into a bright darkness. The world was nothing to me anymore but I had one last duty to fulfill- revenge. I hadn't a clue who had sent that dreaded blade into his stomach so I had one option, kill every last one of them.

I clutched my sword in my hand, covering it in the blood of the man I loved. I remembered this, this was what I had felt with my brother. But, along with that came uselessness- I couldn't kill him. But, I could kill his men. I could avenge my love and I could punish the man who killed my brother.

I would kill in the name of family. There was no correct reason to kill but I thought that family must be one of the higher ranking ones. So, I began to slay, man after man- Jace at my side sending me panicked looks. Looks which I ignored. I just kept killing. That was my option: kill or be killed. But, I wouldn't let myself die until he had been avenged. I could join him once I was done.

And so the killing continued. Each one more agonising than the last as my muscles began to burn. My legs could barely hold me and soon enough even adrenaline couldn't hold my up. I fell to my knees, the battle still raging on around me and then...pain. I remember that agonising, blinding pain. The feeling off a blade slitting my throat. Everything slowed for just a moment, an ethereal moment where I felt nothing at all.

Some say that even in the afterlife, you're a spirit and not a body yet when I found myself an angel- I could help but feel torn. Because, I knew that Magnus was both. So, I let myself fall.

Even the lightest angels can fall and I soon found myself by his side. Magnus, the prince's son, the heir to the throne. We would both rule hell one day and maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be as bad as we had once thought.

Death is a dreaded place yet I found that it had given me eternity. Eternity with the man I loved. A crown upon both of our heads- neither of us hungry for power. We were the most powerful of demons yet both of us only tried to do good. We were the demons that did not break. We were the anomaly- for eternity.

word count: 1031

published: 24.04.17

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