A Very Malec Wedding

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'Alec! Are you ready?' Isabelle called out, readying her own golden dress. It trailed behind her beautifully. She would act as maid of honour and stand by Magnus whilst Jace stood by Alec, who still didn't appear ready.

'Alec?' She repeated, knocking on the large door separating them. He was locked in his room at the Institute as the ceremony would be held in the gardens not far from there.

They had decided it was best not to hold it in the Institute itself after the dilemma it had caused before. The gardens they chose was beautiful, flowers grew on all sides and being December, a thin layer of snow covered the landscape, making it sparkle under the sun.

The ceremony would start in the evening as the sun set so by the time the reception had started, the vampires could flood in, mostly by Magnus' choice- he really did have a magnitude of friends.

Alec had found that out when choosing the guests and location. They had to move it five times before the even found one that would fit all the guests and despite Alec's nerves, he allowed it.

Now, Alec was regretting it as he sat with his head against his desk in his pristine white suit that would contrast with Magnus' black, but sequenced, suit.

He was afraid, not of marrying Magnus but of the ceremony itself. He didn't want to leave Magnus at the alter, he would never do that to him but crowds really weren't his thing.

'Alec, I know you're in there.' He heard Izzy call in again.

He replied with a muffled 'yeah' and finally brought himself to stand and opened the door.

'Alec! You look a mess!' She called out frantically. 'What happened?' She asked, slightly more concerned than frantic.

'I can't do it, Izzy.' He panicked, pacing away from her and then back and forth from the window to his bed.

'Alec, you won't leave Magnus at that alter! He had waited something like 800 years for this!' She cried out before calming and approaching her brother.

'Alec, this is the man that you kissed in front of the whole Clave! Surely this can't scare you! Yes, I know, I know, you had the fearless rune on and look at you now, you're getting married! Go out there and do this because it will only make your life better.' She smiled genuinely, proud of both her brother- who seemed to have calmed down- and her pep talk.

Alec nodded, a determined look set on his face.

Izzy took his hand and led him out to a frantically pacing Jace. 'Alec! You showed up! Magnus is getting really worried out there. I know you're worried about the whole tripping on the isle thing but I'm here so no worries about that.' The parabatai smiled at each other whilst Izzy ran off the Magnus to relieve him of the stress of Alec leaving him and stand by his side for the ceremony.

Alec and Jace were at the doors that opened out into the garden, only snow visible to them as they would have to round the corner to get to Magnus. Alec and Jace linked arms and laughed at the stupidity of it all. Alec was getting married and he was...he was happy.

Alec was rarely happy but with Magnus, he was never not happy and for that reason, Jace would allow him to go off and marry a warlock despite the detests of the Clave. With one last glance, the glass doors opened and the walked out ready to turn and see the overly-large ceremony that was about the take place.

Finally, everything came into view. It was beautiful.

The aisle was piled with delicate cherry blossoms and for a controversial wedding, the turnout was large than expected.

At least a hundred pairs of eyes fell on Alec and with flush red cheeks, he made his way forward, repeating his vows over and over...and over.

He finally reached the end of the aisle and made his way up the stairs, Jace trailing behind.

Magnus and Alec's eyes met and you could see the relief flood into both of them. They were finally doing this. After everything, they were really doing this.

The minister began the ceremony and everything fell silent, only the rustling of the leaves and a few children babbling throughout the crowd.

Then, the vows came. Alec was asked to present his first from Magnus' request, knowing just how scared Alec was.

Not that Magnus wasn't scared but he simply didn't care. He knew, no matter what he said, Alec would love him because they trusted each other, loved each other.

After another heavy silence and a deep breath, Alec began.

'Magnus, since the day I met you, I was drawn to you. Throughout the mess that was the shadowhunting world, you were always a constant. You saved my life, literally, on multiple occasions and I couldn't be more thankful. Over time, a lot of time,' he earned a few awkward laughs 'I finally accepted that I loved you and I kissed you...in front of the whole Clave', a few cheers came from sections of the audience making Alec laugh nervously before continued. 'And although I proved it you then, I want to prove it again...through marriage. I love you, Magnus. So so much.' Alec stopped and sighed in relief, a gleeful smile on his face as he watched Magnus go from shocked to undeniable, indescribably happy.

Magnus, without a words encouragement from the minister, began his own nerve-wracking speech.

'Alec, I have lived too many years to admit. I have loved and I have lost and then...there was you. You pushed down those walls that surrounded my heart and pushed me to do my best, my best for you. I didn't realise until it was too late that I was undeniably in love with you and that wouldn't change. I had fallen deeper than I ever had before and ever will again. I love you Alec.' Magnus smiled and watched the tears collect in Alec' eyes, unaware that his were doing the exact same.

'From the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband.' He gestured towards us and a cheer came from every last person in the audience as their lips met and it was all sealed.

They were married and they couldn't be happier.

word count: 1046

published: 23.01.17

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