Shut Up And Dance

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A/N This isn't even close to good without the music so I recommend listening to it and FINALLY BE HAPPY BECAUSE THIS IS LIKE THE FIRST HAPPY ONE SHOT I'VE PUBLISHED IN MONTHS!

Magnus smiled, the room lighting up with one snap of his fingers. Alec's smiled as the hues of blue and pink reflected off his shining blue eyes. Their eyes met and suddenly their legs were bringing them together. The dance floor lit up with each step, each square coming on one at a time.

Alec couldn't believe this was happening. It was finally happening. A bachelor party...with his husband. Just them, together- the others having retired for the night. They were too happy. They just continued to dance.

'Magnus, it's late we should-'

'No, we're going to keep going until our legs ache.' He smiled, knowing both our wishes and grabbed Alec by his arms and begun to spin him in gentle circles.

'Are you sure?' Alec reiterated but Magnus just shook his head and sighed dramatically.

'Just shut up and dance with me.' They both laughed and grinned like fools as their fingers interlaced and they began to dance around the floor.

They twirled, spun, danced alone and danced together. All with the knowledge that they would be married tomorrow. Married. They would be together for eternity- until their death. And, in their eyes, that was a long way away. Each step was a symbol of their love, their power, their long lost fear of others opinions.

Alec had never felt braver and Magnus had never felt anymore in love. They were both the other's first in so many ways. Alec was his first shadowhunter. Magnus was his first partner. They loved each other and nothing was going to change that. They were bound to be together.

Magnus took his arm again and began to swing him around, round and round, faster and faster, their smiles lighting up like the sun in the morning. 'You're holding back, Alexander.' Magnus teased, crushing them together, dancing without their eyes ever moving away- lost in the other as if they were the answer to everything. They both saw their future in each other. This was the final moment they could pull out of this and neither even comprehended that option.

They didn't dare look back. This was their destiny. They wouldn't stop dancing until their legs ached and the sun went down because they loved each other and if this was another way of portraying their love- they wouldn't even stop. They had gone through too many times and it was time now to stop and just smile. Smile for they knew they had happiness in this world- they had each other.

Alec shined as Magnus' sequined suit sparkled under the fluorescents and Alec couldn't help but smile wider as the colours danced around his face. Magnus did the same, the lights reflecting off Alec's minimal jewellery and across his body. Most noticeably, the shine of the engagement ring on his finger. A much too expensive ring, in Alec's view, but Magnus didn't think it could be more perfect. It was Alec in every way. Bold, strong but drew the attention of everyone in the room- even if he didn't want it.

Magnus let his head fall back, taking in the light as if it was the sun, twirling on his feet, spinning and spinning until the dizziness took over him. He stopped, panting, trying to regain his sense of stability when Alec laughed. Magnus raised an eyebrow at him, still trying not to fall over.

'Now look who's holding back.' Alec teased, taking Magnus' hand. 'Let me lead you, I won't let you fall.' He whispered reassuringly before they began to turn again, Alec staying true to his word and never letting Magnus fall- even when he managed to tangle their legs and both of them almost ended up on the floor.

Both of them laughed when the music switched off. 'I feel like that's our cue to leave.' Alec sighed wistfully but a smile remained on his face as he grabbed Magnus' hand and let them out of the building and onto the streets of Brooklyn.

It looked lovely this late into the night (it wasn't far from sunrise now). The lights were still on but the blue peaked above the horizon, telling them that they really had been dancing all night. 'I can't believe we just did that.' Alec whispered, only just coming to the realisation.

'Did what?' Magnus feigned innocence, a sly smile twisting the corners of his lips.

'We danced all night, Magnus. All. Night.' He laughed.

'What's wrong with that, Alexander?' He taunted, looking up at Alec, their arms wrapped around each other's waists.

'Magnus, our wedding is in a few hours.' Alec laughed but it seemed he wasn't the only one who didn't care. This was their wedding. They could both be late for all they cared. Or almost fall asleep during the ceremony. This was their wedding. Who cared what happened as long as they didn't mind.

They were promising eternity together, that was all that mattered- there was no care to how it was done. Of course, Magnus still wanted to perfection but a lack of sleep wouldn't cause him any trouble- nothing a bit of concealer couldn't fix.

'I still don't believe you said yes.' Magnus laughed, brushing Alec's bangs away from his face.

'What did you expect me to say? No?' Alec laughed, his smile full- no restraints at all.

'Truthfully, yes. Or just put it off as long as possible. I mean, you did take a day to decide.' Magnus raised an eyebrow at him as if to defend his point.

'It's a big decision, Mags! What did you expect from me! Of course I was a nervous wreck! Now stop teasing me for it!' He laughed. That problem had been long since sorted but that didn't mean it wasn't still in their memories for times such as these. Magnus had a tendency tease and Alec had a tendency to enjoy doing so.

'We should get home.' Magnus sighed, looking out to the horizon. The sun would most likely rise whilst they were walking home, an odd thought to the both of them- they were still so awake. Alec nodded in agreement but didn't move from his spot. They both looked at each other. There was a beautiful stillness in the air. It was as if the world had silenced and it was just them.

They were getting married tomorrow. It still wasn't setting in for either of them. But, that changed nothing. They were in love. They would stay in love, they knew they would- even if that was an unrealistic expectation. They had done so much for each other, they had gone to literal hell for each other for God's sake.

So, with the sun soon to rise, the two joined, their lips meeting in a loving kiss. They were getting married tomorrow...and they couldn't be happier.

word count: 1155

published: 08.05.17

◈ Magnus X Alec One Shots ◈ Malec ◈Where stories live. Discover now