1: The News

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Author's Note: I have finally decided what my next fanfiction will be. Sorry, for not starting a new one right away. I hope you all enjoyed the last one I wrote. Please feel free to leave any suggestions. Please R&R! Thank you, and ENJOY!

Percy's POV

"Wake up, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth whispered into my ear. "You will miss breakfast!" That got me moving. When in doubt, food is always the answer. Annabeth chuckled as I raced around my cabin, eventually finding a decently clean tee shirt and shorts.

"Ready!" I said, standing in front of her.

"Okay, but before we go to breakfast, Chiron called a last minute counselor meeting at the Bog House." I nodded and grabbed Annabeth's hand, racing to the Big House. All of the other counselors were already there, sitting around the ping pong table, most of them half asleep.

"Ah," Chiron mused. "Glad you could join us." I smiled sheepishly, sitting in an empty chair beside Annabeth. "Now, children," Chiron began. "It has come to the gods attention that you all have not corresponded enough with your mortal parents. So, after much argument, hence is the explanation for the rotten weather, they have decided that you mortal families will be joining us at camp for about four weeks this summer. You are required to invite your basic families, (You know like dads, moms, and siblings). If in fact you are lacking one," Chiron paused to look at a few campers such as Thalia and Nico. "You will not be required to bring anybody, but if you would like, you may bring an aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, etc. I will explain this more at breakfast this morning." After Chiron finished speaking, there was much grumbling and protest. The room filled with noise, and it seemed remarkably loud, considering that there were only about thirty or so counselors. Chiron banged his hoof against the ground. "That is quite enough," he scolded. "Now, go out to the pavilion and begin eating. I will speak more of this later on with the entire camp."

With much complaining, the counselors shuffled to the pavilion and began breakfast. As promised, Chiron entered the pavilion. He explained to everybody about the visit. Then, he added more. "The mortals cannot see through the mist, so I need the children of Hephaestus and Hecate to create magical... whatever you wants, to allow them to see the real world. By tonight I need all campers to have invited their family and report to me. They will be arriving tomorrow morning. The activities will be canceled today so that we can clean up camp to some amount before everybody comes. Now, a few rules. There will be no maiming or killing, and please try to not pick any fights. I will remind you of this tomorrow as well. Now, please continue with your breakfast, then clean you cabins. The Hunters will not be here until the mortals have left, minus Thalia, so there will be a few cabins empty for the mortals." With that, Chiron trotted to the Big House. Nobody felt like eating after that. Our mortal parents were coming! What in Hades!

"Fall in," the counselors grumbled, leading the campers to their respected cabins. I walked to my cabin alone and made my bed. I dunked my dirty clothes into a drawer and tossed empty chip bags and soda cans into a trash can. I straightened my shield that Tyson had created for me, as well as the Minatour's horn. I smiled remembering the first time I came to camp.

I exited the cabin and headed to find Chiron. He was ordering around campers.

When he caught my eye he said, "Perseus, I need you to put Mrs. O'Leary into the arena for now. We can't have her running around randomly and frightening even more mortals."

I began to argue. "Aw, come on. She hates it in there. Can't I put her in my cabin?"

Chiron smirked. "You believe that would be a good idea?"

I frowned. "Probably not. Can I at least let her wander a little bit more for today?"

"Fine. Then can you clean out the stables?" I nodded and left Chiron to the other campers. When I got there, none of the horses or pegasi were there. That made my job, a whole lot easier. I quickly washed out the stable and headed to do more chores.

-Time Skip-

I walked to the pavilion and joined the other campers. All day long we had been cleaning up for the dreaded morning. I sat down and waited for Chiron to begin talking.

"Children!" he boomed quieting everyone. "Argus and a few of Nico's 'friends' will be bringing your parents here. I have recently received word that your godly parents will be visiting in about three days." That earned a few gasps, but nobody really panicked. Chiron began talking again. "Please remember to be at Half-blood Hill at 9:00. Your families will arrive then..." I zoned out after that. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. I loved my mom and Paul, but it was nice every once and a while to get away from mortals. Now I had to share that place with them. I had a feeling Annabeth was feeling the same way. She still wasn't on the best terms with her family. The again, not many demigods were.

After dinner and the campfire, I headed to my cabin, not bothering to change. I set my alarm clock for 7:00 and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. This was going to be one interesting summer.

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