3: The Presentation

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Author's Note: Hi. Hope you are enjoying so far. FYI, that one family was not a reborn version of the death of the characters. I just decided to add a little more drama. I'm really not good at that kind of thing. So anyways, please R&R. And finally, ENJOY!

3rd Person's POV

After all of the heartbroken demigods returned to their concerned families, the presentations continued. Though still shaken up, Annabeth began explaining their life to the mortals.

"So, as you can see, we have gone through some extremely tough times. Many of us have lost loved ones, and best friends."

Annabeth was cut off by some rude woman, Maria, Chris Rodriguez's mom. "If you have lost people meaning death, or physically lost, I don't want my child here."

Annabeth glared. "We have lost people due to death and physically losing them. Not to mention losing one of them was you son." Chris just shrugged. The demigods knew he didn't want to recall the experience of the Labyrinth. "Now. Let me tell you all about us. I am sure many of you know, as well as the many of you who do not. All of your children here, are demigods, or half-bloods. Hence the name of the camp, Camp Half-Blood. We are half Greek or Roman god and half mortal. We go on quests, fight monsters, and multiple of us have saved your lazy butts." The demigods snickered at the shocked mortals. "If you do not believe us, please raise your hands." Almost everybody who did not already know, raised their hands. "Percy, Thalia, and Nico. Please come up here." Normally, the children of the Big Three would have been happy to show off. But after that little, ah, incident, they were not in the mood. "Nico," Annabeth whispered. "Do not summon HER." Nico gave a small nod.

"Thalia, you may demonstrate first," Annabeth said. Thalia snapped her fingers and created a lightning bolt, also electrocuting a few mortals who had been picking on Nico. Percy then came up and used his hands to make a wave crash onto the mortals who had been picking on Annabeth. And then, Nico summoned skeletons. Hundreds of them. He realized that they wanted revenge, so he quickly brought them back to the underworld. Jules Albert, his main driver, saluted him before becoming a pile of bones. The three sat down at their respected tables. "Alright. You are probably wondering why you have never seen these things before. This is because of the Mist. The Mist is a powerful shield that hides the real world from your unresponsive brains. The real world is something that does not make sense to you. I will now have the children from Cabin Nine hand out their Mist mebobers."

The Hephaestus and Hecate children decided to create everyday accessories for the mortals. Things such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, and even hair ties. "These accessories will show you what we really see," Annabeth continued. "I will now have the cabin counselor announce his or her godly parent." They all went around the pavilion. Many mortals were shocked and literally fell out of their seats. The demigods chuckled. "Everybody calm down. I will now give a PowerPoint presentation on all of the quests we have gone on, the wars we have fought, and many other things, such as our losses."

The presentation began. When the camp was originally created all of the way to the present. It showed Chiron in the beginning. It showed the quests and the couples. It went on for almost an hour. Then, they began the deaths. But Annabeth stopped the video before it could get out of hand. "Now, your cabin counselors will begin to hand out your schedules for the next four weeks-" Annabeth was cut off by and Aphrodite camper, Lacy. Oh, Crud. The demigods thought. This cannot be good.

"The Aphrodite children have created a short clip of who not to mess with, I in other words, our favorite couples, or rather our mother's favorite couples." Then, a video began. It was clearly a countdown going from 5-1. Five was Travis and Katie. Four was Leo and Calypso. Three was Hazel and Frank. Two was Jason and Piper. And one was Percy and Annabeth. The demigods all blushed. "Now, that doesn't mean that these are all of the couples you shouldn't touch. For example, Clarisse and Chris, Travis and Katie, Nico and Reyna, and many more. You got it?" Lacy glared. The mortals nodded quickly.

"Thank you Lacy," Annabeth said through gritted teeth. They were behind schedule. "Now, may I continue? Or is there anything else?" A nervous Travis Stoll raised his hand. "Go."

Travis leapt up with his brother Connor. "So, there are many things not to do at camp. We have narrowed it down for you. Number five, Don't anger the Ares kids. Number four, Don't anger a child of the Big Three. Number three, Make sure you are not the target of an angry Annabeth. Number two, If you are the target of an angry Annabeth, find Percy. And number one, don't anger Annabeth when Percy is not around. If you do, you are dead meat," Travis finished. Annabeth gave him a pointed look and he gulped, racing to his table.

"Okay, you will be sent to your cabin where you will be staying. When you hear the conch horn blow, you are required to come back to the pavilion for dinner. There, you will sit with you child. Thank you," Annabeth then flopped down next to Percy who cracked a smile.

"Thank you, Annabeth. I will review one more thing. This is mostly for demigods. Remember, do not pick fights with the mortals. Please. I have received word that the Hunters will visit for the annual Capture the Flag game." *Cue cheers from the demigods.* "They will leave after that though. Something about men. Sorry, Thalia. And, campers, don't pick fights with the Hunters. Those don't turn out good. Also, no maiming or killing mortals until after their stay, and no feeding them to Pelios or Mrs. O'Leary, or daring them to go into the woods. They will die or get eaten."

An Ares kid stood up. "Chiron. Can we maim them if they come back uninvited or after they leave?"

Chiron shrugged. "As long as your not under direct orders from Mr. D or I, I don't really care." The Ares cabin cheered, resulting in the mortals around them to quickly move away. "Now, you all have your schedules. I will see you at dinner and the camp fire. Please do not be late." Them Chiron trotted away.

The mortal families began to pick up their luggage and head to where they would be staying. Many of them avoided their children. They had no idea what the world around them was actually like. Now, it was suddenly sprung upon them. It was obvious that they didn't want to deal with this, but they would have to.

Annabeth pulled aside Percy. "Hey, Helen really like, hates me now. I'm pretty sure my dad is ready to explode too. Can I hang with you?" Percy kissed her in response and Annabeth giggled, nestled into her boyfriend's arms as they walked. "Just wait until they find out we went through Tartarus." This would be one interesting summer.

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