19: Good-bye Dead

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Author's Note: Hi, readers! I really don't have much to say so R&R and ENJOY!

Will's POV

That little Death Breath is dead. Then, I will have his father bring him back so I can kill him again. I was planning on going to entire four weeks without my parents knowing that I was gay and dating a kid from the 1930s, but apparently Nico had other plans. When he kissed me on the cheek and ran out I was furious. Yet slightly touched. Nico ran away and I didn't bother to chase him. Mostly because I was being bombarded by my parents.

"William Solace!" My mom shrieked. I gave a small wince at the use of my full name, just like Percy did. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Umm I don't know, maybe because you would react like this," I said trying to keep my cool. The sun, the beach, playing music at the camp fire. Yep. I knew that my mother was extremely bias and probably didn't want me dating Nico, but I didn't care. I love him. Besides, I was a doctor at heart and I wasn't going to let my most important patient die because of depression of losing his family, then believing that nobody loved him. But he seemed extremely happy today. For the first time ever, I was kind of liking Lord Hades. Not in the way I like Nico, but respecting.

"I am deeply disappointed in you William." my step-father announced. I shrugged. I could deal with a little disappointment. Camp was going to be back to normal tomorrow. I was hoping nobody would notice the small shrug, but apparently my mom did.

"WILLIAM," she gasped. "Did you just shrug off a punishment?" My right eye began to twitch in irritation when I nodded my head. "THAT IS IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR ATTITUDE, MISTER! YOU WILL BE GOING TO KENTUCKY AND THAT IS FINAL!" I raised an eyebrow at my steaming mother. Knowing her, I would get attacked by one monster and she would turn back around and bring me to my real home. Now, to find Nico...

It took long enough but I ended up discovering Nico and his family chillin' in the Hades cabin. I knocked on the black door and Nico stood there when it was opened. "Hey!" Nico said laughing at my frown. I shook my head, but ended up smiling as well. "Come in," Nico said doing a dramatic gesture with his hands. I was taken aback by my boyfriends happiness, but I was glad to see Nico breaking out of his shell and going back to being the kid he was. We tend to forget that he is only 14.

"Hey, Will," Bianca said when I entered. I nodded and sat down on the floor next to Nico. "So, what brings you here?" Bianca asked innocently.

"Your brother," I murmured. Everybody laughed. "But seriously. Why did you kiss me when I said not to reveal that we were dating?" The room was quiet.

Finally Nico spoke up. "Will, I told everybody I was dating you except for your parents because sometimes you need to break away from your secrets. You know? What did your parents do?"

I was shocked by Nico's short speech, but quickly responded. "They told me I was diffidently going to Kentucky for the rest of my life. But knowing my mom she'll freak out when a monster attacks and send me right back home." Nico nodded.

"Sorry," he said. I shook my head not really caring. We aimlessly talked until dinner, Nico, Bianca, Maria, Hades, and I, until the conch horn blew and we headed to the pavilion for dinner. Who needs to spend time with your family when you found out your going to live with them in Kentucky for the rest of your life... until a monster attacks?

Nico's POV

When Will told me that his parents were taking him back to Kentucky because of me, I got guilty and nervous. I didn't want to be alone again! Will didn't seem to mind which I was grateful for. I could see past the façade though. You know, son of Hades can kinda tell when someone is nervous or sorrowful. I let it slide as we talked and laughed until dinner. My mom and sister didn't have to leave yet, and I was praying to every god I knew that my dead family could stay longer. Of course all good things must come to an end. We finished dinner and went to the camp fire. Nobody was really up to a game of Capture the Flag. My sister was roasting marshmallows and getting them into her hair along with my mom as we laughed and talked. I could feel a few people's eyes boring into m back never seeing me laugh before, but I could care less. My mom and sister would leave soon, I had to enjoy it while I can.

It was nearing the end of the camp fire when Chiron began to speak. "Campers, I would like those who have dead parents or family that Hades brought back to come up to the front along with the ghosts. I saw will's family grimace when I walked up with Mom and Bianca. "Hades." Chiron motioned to my dad.

"Ah yes. Well, this has been great for many of you, but all good things must come to and end. Say your last goodbyes and I will send your families back to Elysium. I turned to my mom and sister.

"Arrivederci, Mamma," I whimpered a little. (Goodbye, Mom)

"Arrivederci, Nico," She whispered back. I knew that I didn't need an emotional goodbye. I would see them in the Underworld. I turned to my sister.

"Rimanere forte il mio soldato" Bianca said. (Stay strong my soldier)

I nodded. "Ci vediamo in Inferi!" I waved as their forms began to disappear. (I will see you in the Underworld) Then, I felt tears leak down my face, but they were happy tears, I had gotten to see my family again, and I would never drink from the lethe, not to remember my life, but to remember theirs.

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