7: Other Demigods with their Parents

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Author's Note: Hello! Nice to write to you again and all that good stuff. So, please continue to R&R and all. Also, I will try to create fun names for the chapters. I'm not all that good at it, but I will go for it. As I said before, I am going to try to do different things for this fanfic. Thank you for reading, and ENJOY!

Chris's POV

My mom was seriously starting to get on my nerves. She keeps coming at me asking why I am dating Clarisse. I keep telling her that Clarisse is the best person in the world for me and I love her and all of that sugar, but nope. She won't listen. Besides, she hasn't even been in my life up until now. Oh. There she is coming towards me now.

"Hey, Chrissy-pie," she drones. "I was just wondering why you bother with this Clarissa girl."

"It's Clarisse, Mother. And as I said, I love her," I said through grit teeth.

"But she is so ugly. Do you notice her hair? It's all stringy. And those eyes!? They look like a pigs! And she is chubby! She looks like an evil bear!"

I was about to loose it. But, Chiron said no fighting, no matter how difficult it is. "Mother, Clarisse is the most beautiful person in the world to me. Her hair is soft like silk, and her eyes are full of fire and drive. And, she is not 'chubby.' She is extremely fit. Clarisse works out for hours. It is not fat that you see, it is pure muscle. Leave me and my love life alone." I growled.

"Oh, but Chrissy-pie."

"Don't call me that!"

My mother waved her hand at me as if saying, 'Posh, posh! I can call you what I want.'

Then she actually said, "I have found the most beautiful and perfect girl for you. Her name is Julia. She has luscious long blonde hair and soft blue eyes. Plus, she is skinny. She looks like a teenaged model! She is here in this dump," my mother gestured. "Come along, Chrissy-pie. You are going to meet her now!"

I groaned. "I do not want to meet this 'Julia'. I love Clarisse Mother and no girl will ever make me leave her." My mother shrugged.

"You are going to love her, Christopher. She will be your wife and you will have a beautiful family. Her mother and I have already worked everything out." I was shocked. Did my mother really believe that I would marry any girl other than Clarisse? Did she seriously think I would fall in love at first sight? Because if she did, she was so wrong. "Ooh! There she is with her half-sister!" I looked up. I saw Drew Tanka standing next to some mortal girl. Great, she is related to Drew.

"Julia, dear!" Mother called. The girl turned around. "I would like you to meet my son, Christopher. Please come over here Chris." I reluctantly obeyed.

My mother wasn't wrong. This girl had long, straight blonde hair. Her eyes were an easy light blue. Singular freckles doted her nose. She had a decent tan, but it was clearly fake. The kid had no build what so ever and she was anorexic. She had on short jeans shorts and a spaghetti strapped tank top that was riding up to show her stomach ever so slightly. Besides her looks, she was exactly like Drew. Greeeaaatttt.

"I'm Chris," I said shaking her delicate hand.

"Julia," she answered smiling. Her voice wasn't sickly sweet, but it was close. "I have heard all about you."

I rose an eyebrow. Of course she has. Thanks, Mother. "So," Julia continued. "Do you want to hang out?" It sounds like my mother and hers have corresponded quite a bit and picked out the "perfect lines" for Julia to say in an attempt to win me over.

"No thanks. I was going to train with my girlfriend. You can watch, but I'm not gonna date you. Period end of story." Then, I walked away. I know it was rude, but I was getting annoyed. My mother should never have gotten into my life.

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