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Currently in the process of revising what I have so far. Feel free to leave thoughts below! Thank you. Enjoy.


     My knees buckled under me. The bones in my legs reacted as they hit the cold, hard ground, protesting with aches and pains. I sucked a breath in through my nose and looked at, glaring at the proud smirk on the disgusting face of my enemy. Who knew someone so beautiful could be so evil?

     "Oh, Spectrum. . ." he sighed, pacing back and forth in front of me, "I never thought you'd be so incredibly. . . naive. I thought you'd actually make good decisions. Turns out you're just like your father."

     I felt fury bubble within my very soul as he spoke of my father. A once highly-exalted god, cast out of Heaven because of a stupid mistake. . . Turns out, I'd actually ended up making the exact same mistake. What would the other archangels say when they found out? The other gods? Would I be cast out as well, damned forever alongside my father? I didn't know.

     "Leave my father out of this," I spat, trying to will myself to stand. But it seemed like that decision was out of my hands. Was he doing this to me? Was he taking away my willpower? Making it physically impossible to escape?  He knelt beside me, stroking my cheek. I jerked away, repulsed by his very touch.

     "Maybe I should just let you take this up with your lover," he whispered. Just then, I turned to find the beautiful boy I was so helplessly in love with standing just a short ten feet away. He looked agonized. He could never disobey his master. His master, the evil man standing in front of me. Torturing me.

     "You lied to me," I gasped.

     He shook his head. "I did it to protect you, Spectrum."

     "It was still a lie," I could hear my voice echoing in my ears right as the burning started. "No," I whispered, "No, no, no!" I cried, louder. But it was too late. I saw both of their faces slowly fade away.

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