Chapter Twelve

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       My knees felt kind of like Jell-O, my palms sweaty, as Alec and I walked down the hallway to my apartment-- and I hate to admit that my nervousness didn't even come from the fact that we were trying to hide from vigorous, sadistic demons. It was mostly because I was getting ready to be alone with Alec in my apartment. . .

       "Here it is," I announced, clearing my throat before unlocking and swinging the door open, walking into my modern, high-ceilinged living room. 

        Alec followed me in nonchalantly, closing the door behind him. I stopped to slip off my sweater, setting it on the marble counter of the island in my kitchen as Alec wandered aimlessly, hands in his pockets, around my open apartment. 

       "Wow," he finally said, his strong, vibrant voice bouncing off the cold, tile floors and gray walls. "This place is super fancy. What'd you do to deserve such an expensive temporary home?" he turned to grin at me. 

       Shrugging, I leaned against the counter. "I'm not sure. Guess I've just always been one of Lepious' favorites." he seemed content with my answer as he shrugged off his jacket, two daggers falling out and clattering to the floor. 

       "Whoops," he laughed, picking them up and setting them on the counter next to me. He looked up at me, taking in my expression. "Better to be safe than sorry," he reasoned. 

       I chuckled nervously, heat flashing across my skin despite the fact that my cocktail dress was very showy and a little skimpy, exposing plenty of skin. I should've been freezing. 

       Alec closed the little bit of space between us, pinning me against the cool counter edge, placing his hands on my waist. My breath caught in my throat as his head tilted closer to mine, my heart protesting wildly in my chest as I refused to exhale. His lips had only just brushed mine when he moved them to my ear.

           "I won't let him get you, Spectrum," he whispered, his hot breath tickling my ear and neck. 

       Who? I was getting ready to ask when Alec brought his mouth back to mine, cutting my concentration off completely. 

       His kiss was soft at first, his lips gently moving against mine, but then it grew, became more intense. He moved his mouth harder against mine, parting his lips just the slightest. My breathing accelerated quickly as I traced my tongue along his bottom lip softly, feeling his heartbeat quicken as well as he parted his lips wider.  

       My hands flailed up to his head, tangling my eager fingers in his light, tousled hair. 

       He pushed me up until I was sitting on the countertop, him standing between my legs still kissing me angrily. His hands grabbed at my sides hungrily, trying to pull me even closer to him as our kiss deepened even more, growing more passionate. 

       All my common sense simply faded away as I wound my legs around his torso, my hands moving to unbutton his dress shirt. I could feel the perfect lines of his amazingly defined muscles underneath as I slid the white shirt off his shoulders and onto the floor, placing my hands on his hot chest, feeling his increasingly erratic heartbeat underneath my shaking fingers. He was basically radiating heat. 

       His lips wandered down to my collar bone, his teeth tentatively grazing my skin as his hands stroked the bare skin of my legs. He pushed up my dress a little bit, his fingernails slightly digging into the flesh of my thigh. I let out a yelp of surprise as I felt his nails breaking skin, but that didn't stop me from pressing myself closer to him, yanking at his hair. He wiped up my blood with his fingers, pressing his lips harder to the hollow of my neck. I swear, I heard a low rumble in his chest, almost like a strange growl. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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