Chapter One

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    I wandered around aimlessly, bored and exhausted. Every time there was a demon attack on Heavens wards, it drained me of all energy. And the day after attacks were always depressingly boring as well. I kicked a couple rocks and squinted up at some of the tall buildings enveloping me. The rays of the afternoon time sun slithered through the breaks in the buildings, warm and welcomed.

    Every mortals vision and deception of Heaven couldn't have been farther from the truth. It wasn't perfect here. We didn't walk on pink clouds in white glowing dresses, halos ringing our heads. There weren't any golden roads or magical diamond mansions. Heaven was just like a large city. Silver skyscrapers lined the city, glinting sun reflecting off of them like a mirror. Courtyards surrounded the buildings, courtyards everywhere with bright and cheery Hibiscus flowers and Daises lining the streets up to a towering marble City Hall where all the council meetings were discussed. Various houses were separated into sections by different divisions of angels; me being an archangel, and my father being such a high god before he was damned for unknown reasons, always had one of the nicest houses in the most elite division. No big deal.

     But there were flaws that no one was ever told about; there were attacks on Heavens gates. Often. Attacks by demons and Nephilim alike, all attempting vengeance. And there were assholes and bitches, just like on Earth. Just because someone was let into Heaven, it definitely didn't mean they were perfect. I even had a few enemies, since I knew nearly everybody. A lot of the spite that other people had towards me came from what I assumed was jealousy. Who wouldn't be jealous of my status up here with the Big Man?

       Mortals perception of Heaven was nearly laughable. The only difference between Heaven and say the Big Apple was that there were no cars, no bustling taxis and asshole bus drivers, and fruit hung from every limb of the large supple trees that dressed the streets. The sun was always out and the streets were always clean. Half the time, I forgot I was even in this "heavenly" place; even though I'd been here for my entire existence.

     "Spectrum!" I heard a familiar voice calling. The sound of my name caused me to turn around on my heels, my long blonde hair whipping around and hitting me in the face. I wiped it away, squinting in the sun to see Xavier and Dezerah walking towards me, two of the people I could actually stand. They had been my best friends since the beginning of time itself, so you had to pick a couple of people to like for an entire eternity, right?

       We all had weird friendships because we would act like any other student, reckless, eighteen year old mortal. We'd sneak out, we'd make mistakes, we'd laugh like seals huddled in the corner of a coffee shop downtown. We'd wish for freedom from this place, from the restraints and rules and guidelines that held us back like prison shackles. We'd feel rebellious and edgy, though we'd never dream of acting on our wild thoughts. You'd think that after an eternity of being a teenager, you would grow and learn to have an old soul, act wise and think deeply about situations and complications. Not us. We weren't done acting our age quite yet.

     "What's up?" I greeted them as they approached. As they drew closer through the crowded, sunny streets, I noticed that both of their faces were colored with worry and anxiety. I felt my eyebrows bunch up in confusion. "What's... wrong?" I asked slowly as they took their final steps towards me. Xavier bent over to put his hands on his knees, breathing heavy like they had been running to find me. His bulky muscular shoulders heaved heavily up and down as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up at me, the glint in the sun catching his emerald eyes and lighting his hair up a light caramel brown. Dezerah, on the other hand, was standing tall with her hands resting on her hips, small, fierce, and strong, like always, her red hair blowing in the breeze like fire being agitated by lighter fluid.

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