Chapter 11: I Rather Not Sing, Thank You

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Look out for the<>!


Darla H

By time I made it home, I quickly changed into a different outfit and sprayed enough perfume to wash out the smell of hospital. As I stood in the bathroom, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, seeing bags under my eyes. I looked way too tired for summer break, and I hoped Peter wouldn't notice. I forced a smile at the mirror until I believed the smile myself.

Feeling accomplished, I went into the kitchen to grab something microwaveable for a meal. I downed it quickly, not caring that it burned my mouth slightly as waited by the door for Peter.

Within minutes, Peter was on the front porch, looking at me from head to toe. For a second I shifted my weight, knowing that he was judging how I looked. I swore inwardly, knowing I should have put on something a little nicer than leggings and a hoodie.

"You look nice," he said, giving me a small kiss.

That once small sentence eased my worry as I smiled back at him. I wasn't expecting that comment, but I welcomed it. I know I haven't had a boyfriend for very long but I was really enjoying human interaction with a person my age and not part of my family. Being around him reminded me of what it was to be young.

"Let's go," he said and grabbed my hand and led me to his car.

We drove to the bonfire with music blasting. It was as if he didn't care the music would damage his hearing in the future; he was living in the now and that was enough for him. It was contagious as I turned the music up even louder.

"Jake's my buddy from my previous school," he explained over the music as we pulled up in a wooded gravel drive. Peter turned off the car and smiled at me as if excited I was here with him, then got out with a spring in his step.

I didn't have time to explain that I was nervous about meeting all of his friends. I had never been to a party before and I didn't have time to prep. With A deep breath, I got out of his car and followed him into the backyard.

Behind the modest ranch house stood a huge bonfire with over 40 people around it. "Let me introduce you to Jake," Peter said, and lead me through the crowd.

I grabbed the eyes of almost everyone; they stared at me for a second before going back to whatever they were doing before. And like they did with me, I couldn't help but look at them as we passed. Everyone looked so put together and model like with their outfits. I felt self-conscious once again that my hoodie and leggings weren't good enough for this outing. If these were the kids he went to school with beforehand, why did he show interest in plain me?


"Peter! You made it!" a kid came up with short blonde hair called out to us.

"Heck yeah. I wouldn't miss a bonfire of yours for the world. Oh, Jake, I want to introduce my girlfriend. This is Clare," Peter said, pointing at me.

"Hey Clare!" He said and shook my hand then pulled me in for a side hug. He had a faint smell of something I hadn't smelt recently, liquor. The powerful smell burnt my nose slightly as I remembered the one time a few months ago Farrah came home drunk. I was just glad that my parents were home to witness me holding her hair as she vomited into the toilet.

"I've known Peter for a long time, and let me tell you, you picked a good one," he explained with a smile.

I smiled politely as we broke out into a group conversation until Jake left us, saying hello to someone else that just arrived at the party. "He seems nice," I said after he walked off.

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