Chapter 41: How My Heart Fluttered

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"Clare, did you just pay attention to what I just said?" Doctor Cali said as he shined a light into my eyes.

I blinked the light out of my eyes and shook my head at him. "No, sorry, I started thinking about ice cream," I said honestly.

He couldn't hold back a sigh from his mouth. For the past two hours, I had been in and out of tests. So many people said too many things to me to remember, it was making my head hurt. At this point, I was beyond listening to anyone, and I just was letting my mind drift off.

From what Doctor Cali had told me was that he is not completely sure why I blacked out, chalking it up to some kind of adverse reaction. With all the tests I just completed, he hoped to find out the cause for it so it wouldn't happen again. Honestly, I wasn't surprised this happened to me, knowing that I had the worst luck. I should have guessed another drug wouldn't work on me. By now, I was ready to pack up and go back home, ready to give up.

My thoughts quickly shifted back to Peter as I thought about the phone call with him. Doctor Cali told me that I was out for about ten minutes. During this time, Peter was still on the phone, listening to it all that was going on within my room.

He never hung up until Doctor Cali forced him to, convincing him that I would call him back when I was ready and healthy enough. I felt my phone buzz, knowing that it was him for the 10th time in the last two hours but I haven't had the guts to tell him that another treatment wasn't working. I knew that if I called him, I would just cry in disappointment. I missed him and home. I missed being in a familiar place. I just didn't want to be here, suffering alone anymore.

"Clare?" Doctor Cali asked snapping his fingers at me.

I shook my head to clear it, figuring that I must have zoned out again. I shrugged my shoulders at him as if to say sorry.

He sighed loudly as he ran his hand through his dark, wavy hair. As I looked at him, I realized he looked so much like Peter, like the way his hair laid when he ran his fingers through it, or when he smiled, the corners of his mouth seemed to touch his cheeks.

"So, I think I know what happened with the treatment. Some nurse forgot to put in this injection before we started the IV. I think if we give this to you, everything will be fine for tomorrow," Doctor Cali said as he held up a needle into the light.

I looked at it in awe. Just one forgotten step, that was it that caused me to feel terrible? "So I don't have to go home?"

He shook his head with a chuckle. "No, I'm not giving up that easily. I'm sure that after this is injected into you, the treatment will be foolproof."

I nodded, feeling excited for a second. He talked with such confidence, I couldn't help but feel eager for this next step as I looked at him. "Sure. Ok. Go for it," I said to him as I held out my arm.

He sat down right next to me. "So, you and my nephew?"

I nodded, not sure what he was going with about this. He barely knew his nephew, so why was he bringing him up?

"Does he treat you well?" he asked as he injected me with a clear liquid.

I raised my eyebrows at him. And he wanted to know why? Why was he making small talk with me? This was the first time he had tried to talk about something different from medical information and I don't know if I was a fan. "Yeah. Peter treats me well."

"That's good. If he stops treating you well, let me know, I could talk to him," he said awkwardly.

This man was lacking people skills, for sure. Where was Doctor Patel when I needed him? At least he wouldn't be this awkward. "Ok. I'll keep that in mind." Not likely.

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