Chapter 19: I Tell You The Important Things

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Look for the bold<> for the song! Enjoy!

Darla H

"Say hello to Peter for me," mom said to me as I put makeup on in the bathroom getting ready for an opening rugby banquet that Peter invited me last minute to.

"Of course." It didn't matter if I had nothing to wear to it or that I only had a few hours to get ready. Of course I said yes, excited to get out and do something. For the past few weeks, it has felt like that the only place I have traveled to was the hospital and Peter's house and I was looking for a change.

I nodded at her as I put a shade of lipstick on that made me actually look paler then I was. I frowned, ready to take it off when mom said, "I like the color."

I nodded, knowing that my mother was one of the most fashionable people I knew. "You don't think it washes me out?"

She shook her head. "Nope. I think it looks good," she said as the doorbell rang. "And remember your dad and I won't be here tonight as well, but please text your dad when you get home."

"Yes, I won't forget," I said, grabbing my phone and stuffed it into my dress pocket.

"Ok just remember you have a treatment tomorrow morning so don't be out too late."

I nodded at her, not wanting to remember that fact. The words of Doctor Patel still swirled around in my mind like a whirlpool in a tube, but refusing to go down the drain. He was running out of options and that fact crushed me, but I made sure not to let that show. "I won't. I promise," I said, walking down the stairs to see Peter talking to Farrah by the door.


They looked neck deep in some conversation, but it suddenly stopped when Peter caught a look at me. "Hey stranger. Ready to go?" he smiled at me.

I nodded at him, ready to go anywhere. As long as it was with him, I was happy. With a smile, we walked out of the house to his car, where he drove to the local restaurant.

As we pulled into a parking spot, Peter parked the car, then turned to me. "We can stay as long as you want to say."

His comment meant to be kind, but it rubbed me the wrong way, as if I would be the one to pull him away from his team. This was for him, he should be able to stay as long as he wanted, not because I deemed it time to go. "Sounds good."

With his hand in mine, we walked into the restaurant to see that the team rented out small restaurant out for the evening. There were streamers and balloons everywhere, like a party and people, teammates and family, sitting around different tables smiling and talking with one another as if they were all best friends. Instantly it made me feel like a fish out of water. I was never much into sports growing up and as I looked around myself; I realized I had nothing in common with these people.

I stopped in mid-step as I remembered my last encounter with high school people at the dance. Fear took hold of me as I knew I should have never come since I would never relate to them.

My mind flooded with scenarios that could happen over this dinner. What if I say too much, what if I didn't say enough, what if I couldn't impress them, and what if they hate me? Then Peter would to realize that I'm wasn't good enough for him. As I stared at the people in silence, I knew that this wasn't a good idea. Wanting to go, I took a step back with a frown.

Peter stopped with me and looked at me. He could see the fear on my face and smiled lightly. "Relax, they'll like you"

"How do you know that?" I whispered to him.

"You impressed me, didn't you?"

I frowned. I wasn't sure how that happened, but that was a fluke, because I was not a charming person.

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