Chapter 29: I Will Never Forgive You

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Look out for the <>!

"Please eat something, Clare," mom begged me with a tray of food in her hands.

I looked at it and turned my nose to it, since the smell made me sick.

"Eat Clare."

I shook my head at her, but that made me even dizzier than I was. I shivered as I placed a blanket around my legs, even though I felt like I was burning up at the same time. My body ached, and I felt like death, really. Over the course of the days, I felt like I have gotten significantly worse since then, or maybe it was because all the drugs had left my system now and I could feel everything.

Last night without my parents knowing I trashed all my medications, if I was dying I refused to take them. They would not help me now, so why waste them? "No, I rather not, please mom, just the smell makes me queasy."

She frowned at me. "I'm going to leave the soup here and if you don't eat it by time, I come back..."

I nodded at her. "Sure mom." I had the full intent to dump that bowl of soup down the toilet after she left.

She set it on a tray and then put her cold hand on my forehead. I pushed back, hating when she did this. "I think you're running a fever. I'm going to get you some medication and you can't take it on an empty stomach so just eat a little," she begged.

"Fine," I sighed as I pulled at my socks.

At that moment, my phone buzzed, and the screen lit up showing a text from Peter. I didn't even move towards my phone with the broken screen. I didn't want to. He had been sending texts to me nonstop since we broke up, but I hadn't responded to a single one of them. They all said something around the same thing, 'I'm sorry if I did something to you, I don't care what you say, you'll survive, I know you can beat it...' so on and so on. No matter what he would say, it wouldn't make me change my mind about him. The thing he didn't get was that I have given up. I would not win this, and I didn't want him to see me decline. He needed to move on, and this would be easier on both of us.

"Peter?" mom asked, as if she already knew the answer.

"No," I lied quickly to her.

"Uh hu," she said as she walked out of the room, not believing me.

Lately, my lies had been less believing, but it didn't bother me. I think deep down; it didn't matter if they could see through me, since the end was so near now. I laid back down on my bed, resting my head on some a pile of pillows, looking up at the ceiling.

Mom walked back into the room and thrust out her hand. "Here, take this Clare." I brought out my hand, and she dropped a few red pills into my hand.

"Fine," I said and popped the pills into my mouth.

"And I'm just going to pretend that you didn't throw away all of your other pills," she said, with a hint of frustration in her voice. But she didn't scold me, she didn't punish me, like in the past. She just moved on from the conversation casually as she got the soup on the tray and brought it to me. "Eat," she demanded as she sat down right beside me on the bed to watch me.

I forced a smile. "You will not leave me alone until I eat this, are you?"

She shook her head and then smiled. "Nope."

I rolled my eyes as I took a bite of the soup. I forced a few bites down my dry throat but by the third bite; I realized I was hungry, since I had not eaten in over 20 hours and finished the rest with no problems.

After I finished the bowl, mom smiled widely at me. "There you go! Not too hard," she said and kissed my forehead.

"That is it! I hate school! I hate everyone in it! So immature!" Farrah screamed downstairs as she slammed the door shut behind her at that same moment.

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