Chapter 18: He Was My Rock

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Look out for the <>!

I woke up early the next morning with a pounding headache. I laid in bed for a few minutes as I scrolled through my phone, using that as a distraction from the pain that I was feeling. With a heavy sigh, I gave up, realizing that it had done nothing but waste my time.

I quickly texted Peter a good morning, then slowly climbed down the ladder steps from my bunk. As I got to the last steps, my vision blacked out, causing me to fall on the floor with a clunk, waking up Farrah from her deep slumber.

Farrah shot straight up and rubbed her eyes as she looked at me, who was lying on the ground. "What happened?" Farrah asked with concern in her voice.

Stuck in a daze, I laid on the ground for a few seconds as I tried to process what happened. I looked around at my surroundings as I tried to pull myself together, even though the event shook me up. I rubbed my butt, sure that it would bruise, and said, "nothing. I'm just a klutz. Go back to sleep."

She yawned, taking that as a suitable answer, then laid back down. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's nothing," I told her and got up from the ground with some difficulty from my jello like legs. Without looking back, I walked out of the room, trying my best to walk in a straight line even though I felt completely off balance and sick to my stomach.

Handing onto the wall, I walked down the stairs, hoping that I wouldn't fall, then went into the family room. When I finally made it to the couch, I felt no energy to get up and do anything else today. Disappointment flooded through me, knowing that today was going to be a bad day. But I couldn't accept that as a fact since I had to see Anna at the hospital today. For her and me, I had to feel better; I had to be there for her, no matter what I felt. She needed me and I had to be there, even though I felt terrible.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration as cancer reminded of another thing that it impeded, friendships. I felt my eyes well up with tears, as I felt so tired of dealing with all of this. I wanted one day, not even a day, just one hour, that I could feel good enough to see Anna. This was her moment, not mine.

Knowing that mom would come down to see me at any moment, I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. Within minutes mom came walking in to the family room with a smile which quickly turned into a frown as she looked at me, knowing that something wrong.

Panic hit me like an ocean wave, knowing that she had all the power to make me stay home. I sat up a little straighter to look at her, trying to fool her that I was fine.

"You spilled toothpaste on your shirt," she said to me finally as she pointed to my black shirt that I was wearing.

I looked at my shirt and saw toothpaste on it. I couldn't hold back the sigh of relief as I rubbed it, happy that she didn't see through my façade. "Oh, shoot." I frowned at her as if this was the most concerning thing that could happen to me this morning. "Probably should go change," I said to her and got up from the couch with as much strength as I could muster.

As quick as I could, I tried to walk at my normal speed, swearing mentally, wondering why I walked so fast normally. As soon as I was out of her sight, I hugged the wall so I wouldn't fall, trying my hardest to get back up the stairs to change my shirt.

Minutes later, I was standing at the door, waiting for mom to get her keys. I rested my back against the wall, worried that if she took any longer, I would fall, unable to hold my weight up any longer.

The car ride was quiet as we listened to music. Only a few times mom sang to a song, but she was never good at singing to the radio since most of the time it ended up with her mumbling the lyrics, which I found amusing.

Handle With ClareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora