Chapter 1

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so this is gonna be a slower updated story i think cause i want to finish the first one

but i really liked my first chapter, haha so im gonna upload it (:


“It’s bad news” Doctor Wetz told Laure and her family.  Lauren looked over at her mother Paula  who held her head low, then over to her father Dieter,  who looked like he was trying to process what was going on, then finally onto her brother Liam who just stood there with a blank look on his face. “Our team estimate up to 3 months of life. The leukemia has taken over her body and there’s nothing we can do to stop. Our doctors are trying to come up with a solution to slow down the process but there’s a small chance it’s going to come out in time. I really and truly sorry, but I suggest you, Lauren, live out everything you want to do. I know this is not what you want to hear right now, but please just live every moment.” Lauren’s mom stood up and shook the doctors hand, followed by her father and brother.  The doctor left the room, and Lauren looked over to her mom. “Mom, I’m so sorry, I really tried to fight it.”

Paula walked over to her young 17 year old daughter “shush, baby this is not your fault. We love you, just remember that”

“We love you Bella” Lauren’s father added kissing her forehead

Lauren couldn’t even look at any of her family members in the eye, a feeling of disappointment filled in her body.  She couldn’t help but feel that if she prayed a little harder to fight harder, then everything would be ok and not have left her family struggling. She put all the sadness of her family and put it on herself. She felt like it was her fault all of this was happening to not just her, but her family as well.

“EL, this is not your fault” Liam said almost reading her mind.

“Sweetie, go to sleep” Paula said looking at the ticking clock on the wall, “it’s getting late; we’ll come pick you up first thing in the morning. 7A.M sharp” she added placing a delicate kiss on her daughter’s lightly colored face.  Liam and Dieter both kissed their family member and left.

The twenty two minute car ride back to the Payne Household was filled with Paula’s silent tears.

“Mom can you drop me off at Niall’s? The boys are all there and I sort of want to fill them in”

“Uh” Paula said trying to decide what the best thing to do was. She knew Liam’s four best friends Niall Louis Harry and Zayn were the ones he was turning to and confiding in after finding out about Lauren’s leukemia. She knew how close the boys were to Lauren as well, which both Paula and Dieter were more than thankful for.

“they really want to know what’s happening” Liam added, trying to sway his mother’s mind to letting him go hang out with his friends

“Fine Liam, just promise to be home early tonight” Paula said. “Turn a right down at the road” she added directing her husband. Dieter drove the quarter of a mile to Niall’s house. Liam silently opened up the car door and thanked his parents for dropping him off and letting him go.

Liam walked up to the front door, an overwhelming feeling coming over him as it dawned that he would only have a little sister for 3 more months. Liam tried so hard not to cry, but couldn’t help but let a little sniffle come out. Ringing the doorbell, Liam tried to recompose himself long. Zayn opened the door and immediately knew that the hospital trip was not for good news they all hoped for. Zayn spread apart his arms, and Liam started crying. The boys all rushed over as they heard whimpers coming from the front.

“Liam!?” Harry said in a disbelief tone.

“Let’s go sit down” Niall said patting his best friend back as Zayn walked him over to the sofa.

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