Chapter 11

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“Lauren get up!” Lauren was awaken by both Niall and Louis jumping on her. “We leave for Factor in 3 days and you need to finish this list before we leave.” Niall told her as he stipped the covers off her frail body.

“Fine” Lauren said swinging her legs over her bed.

“Hey Laur” Niall said as Louis walked out of the room

“Yea??” she asked quietly as she rummaged through her drawers trying to find something to wear

“Just so you know everything is normal between us, so you can cross that one off your list” Niall said winking at her before leaving the room. Lauren smiled as she thought of how far she and Niall have come.


“Right” Zayn said as they approached the shopping center. “You need to buy your mom, dad and Liam a present and then you something expensive.”

“Well I know what I want to buy Liam” Lauren told Louis Harry Niall and Zayn

“What would that be?” Louis asked intrigued

“I want to buy him a rolex watch. I’ve been saving up for a car for when I learn how to drive but I want to buy this for him instead.”

“Lauren” Harry started “Rolex watches are really expensive”

“I know that. Liam and my buy something expensive thing is going hand in hand. I want to thank him for always putting up with me and my drama.” Lauren said which caused all the boys to smile.

“What about your mom yea?” Niall asked as they walked into a ladies clothing store.

“Um, might buy her a dress for X Factor”Lauren said smiling.

“Man that’s so soon, I’m so excited” Zayn said jumping in his place.

After looking around the store for a good 45 minutes, they finally decided on a dark floral dress thatLauren knew my mom would love. Next they needed to find something for her dad. After looking at store after store, Lauren was beginning to lose hope.

“Hey Laur” Harry said smiling “I have an idea for your dad” Harry said pointing to a poster. The poster was promoting a certain game that would in our area this coming April. Lauren squealed with glee as she walked up to a ticket booth and bought 2 tickets to see the game.

“my dad is going to love me” Lauren said patting myself on the shoulder.

After a few more hours shopping around and buying Liam his Rolex, the boys andLauren decided to go to Nandos for a quick bite to eat before going back home and giving her family their presents.

“Oi Lou” Lauren said as they finished up the last bites of their meal

“What?” Louis said popping his T in a dramatic way.

“I have a joke for you, it’s a classic” she said sipping on my lemonade

“Hit me” he said smiling

“Why did the mushroom go to the party….”

Louis thought about it before giving up

“Cause he was a fungi” she said smiling as the boys all snickered

“That’s a good one Laur, I might just have to use it one day” Louis said winking at Lauren.

“Alright my turn” Zayn said. Lauren looked at him confused before letting him finish “Why are you thankful for me” Zayn said opening up his arms and pointing to himself

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