Chapter 8

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Lauren and everyone gathered around the TV at their home back in the UK. They had just gotten back from America, and their video clip was being played on the Ellen show today.

“Last week on the show, we introduced you to a young girl named Lauren.” Ellen said and everyone cheered. “Well, for those of you who don’t know who or remember who she is, Lauren is a young girl living in the UK, she made a bucket list of things she wants to do before she dies, which just so happens to be sooner rather than later. The first thing on her list was to be on this show, so we brought her here and then we sent her to Hawaii for a little vacation. Lauren and her family sent us a little video of their day so, let’s take a look!” Ellen said before cutting to the video Harry and Lauren shot.

“Hi Ellen!” Harry and Lauren both said. “We’re here in Hawaii having a blast! Today We’re going to go cliff jumping and taking a private helicopter ride so.. Let’s go!” Harry said smiling to the camera. The footage showed Harry and Lauren fast walking over to the helicopter, which would bring them to the cliff they would be going off.  Everyone laughed as Harry and Lauren goofed off in the helicopter and made silly faces to each other.

“Is that China?” Lauren screamed to the pilot

“No, that’s your hotel” the pilot laughed as she turned the plane around

“Ohh…” Lauren said quietly which made Harry laugh.

Liam and Louis came on the TV next, and they talked about Lauren and their favorite experiences with her and how much they love and are going to miss her. Next were Niall and Zayn who pretty much said the same thing. Pictures of all of them came up next, before the footage cut back to Lauren and Harry as they landed on the top of a cliff.

“Hello Ellen!” Lauren screamed over the loud noise “We’re here on this cliff, about to jump off it… I might just poop my pants! But I’m so excited!!!!” The camera man then showed a scared looking Harry biting his nails and smiling nervously to the camera.

“Ready?” Lauren said walking up to Harry.

“Ready” Harry said putting on a brave smile and taking Lauren’s hand.

The two looked at each other before taking a running start and jumping into the water many feet down.

As Harry and Lauren landed in the water, a wet looking Harry came on the TV, talking about Lauren.

“Lauren and I have been best friends since forever. We’ve been through so much together and she literally is the best thing I have in my life.” Harry chuckled “actually just recently we got in a huge fight because I’m and idiot, so today I brought her here to make it up to her and then everyone came to film so… thanks” Harry said jokingly.

“Why did you plan this for her?” the camera man asked

“Well I felt really bad for missing out on the cliff jumping thing, because she did it the other day with the rest of the boys, but I missed out because we were fighting, and I promised myself that I would do every single thing on that list with her. So I found out about this whole helicopter ride and cliff jumping thing and jumped at the opportunity, no pun intended, and yea”

“But why did you do all of this for her?”

“Because she’s an amazing girl, and she deserves every good thing in the world”

“Is that the only reason why?”

“Ha, I don’t know!” Harry said knowing what the camera guy was trying to get him to say

“Are you going to make me ask you it flat out!?”

“Ask me what!?” Harry said playing dumb

“Do you love Lauren?”

“Of course I love Lauren, we all do!”

“No Harry!” the camera man laughed “Are you in love with Lauren?”

Harry smiled but didn’t say anything; however his face said it all. His face showed how deeply in love Harry was with Lauren which was all the answer the camera man needed.

Next Lauren came up on the TV

“How was it!?” The camera man asked

“Ah incredible!” Lauren said beaming

“Now, we asked Harry this question and we’ve going to ask you this too-“

“Oh god” Lauren said interrupting

The cameraman chuckled before finishing the question “We can see all the chemistry you and Harry have with each other, but Ellen wants to know, are you in love with Harry?”

“NO! Eww noo! Harry is literally like a brother to me and yea, just friends!” Lauren said smiling

“Nothing more!?”

“No” Lauren laughed before shaking her head. “Liam is the only boy I love!!”

The footage was then cut to everyone at the hotel saying all their goodbyes and thank-you’s then cut back to Ellen who was shaking her head.

“they love each other, I can tell!” She said laughing


Everyone laughed as their piece ended. Harry, however, couldn’t laugh. He couldn’t help but feel his heart break. His worse fear had come to life and Lauren didn’t love him back. Obviously Harry was never going to admit to Lauren that he was deeply in love with her, but it hurt him to know he didn’t even have a chance, he would always be stuck in the friend zone.

Lauren looked over to Harry and noticed his facial expression. “Guys, you all know I love you.. not just Liam right?!”

The boys all laughed before going into a group hug.

“Lauren, can I talk to you?” Harry asked as everything settled down.

“Yea sure,” Lauren said getting up and walking into a different room.

“Um, are we.. are we good now?!”

Lauren took a deep breath before smiling “DUH! Come on I can’t stay mad at you, no matter how much I want to! Besides you showed me that you care for me and I really appreciate that. Thanks for everything Harry, really!”

Harry opened his arms and Lauren slyly walked into them. Lauren couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter as Harry squeezed her fragile body.  Harry let go and Lauren gave him a kiss on the cheek “Come on lets go before they expect anything” 

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