Chapter 7

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The next morning Harry was woken up by an angry looking Zayn and Louis.

“Are you going to tell us what happened yesterday?” Zayn said first. Harry just eyed him, not answering.

“We gave you time for yourself, now it’s time that you tell us what’s up. This isn’t our trip Harry… the Payne’s brought us here and you can’t treat their family like shit-”

“I made a mistake” Harry said cutting off Louis rant.

“Yes you did.” Louis stated.

“Why were you such a prick to Lauren yesterday?” Zayn asked wanting to know the scoop.

Harry took a heavy breathe in before telling the two boys the story of how he saw Lauren and Niall kiss, then meeting Emily, to what was going through his mind during their uproar last night, to going to find Lauren and over hearing her and her parents talking then finally his makeup plan. 

Louis started laughing as Harry finished up the story “you really need to stop being so goddamn jealous”

Zayn and Harry chuckled before leaving Harry be.  Harry asked that the two boys told Liam and Niall about his plan and to get Lauren to his hotel room in an hour.

Louis ran to Liam to tell him, and after a long battle, Liam agreed to let Harry have a day with Lauren.


“Are you decent?” Liam asked while knocking and walking into Laurens room.

“Yea” Lauren quietly said.

“How was your night last night?”

“Good I stayed with mom and dad. I –“

“Just got back” Liam finished for her.  “Hey listen” Liam started. “First just know if you ever need someone to talk to about Harry or any of the other boys, just know I’ll always be here for you, and second,- em- Louis came to me this morning on behalf of Harry; and sir curly top is requesting your presence in about 30 minutes.” Liam said in a stereotypical British accent.

“Yea, I’m not going” Lauren said folding her arms and walking around to where Liam stood.

“Lauren, we all know what he did last night was wrong and uncalled for, but I really think he’s trying to apologize.”

“he doesn’t get off the hook that easy Liam”

“Just give him a chance. Go today and if you don’t want to forgive him and you don’t want him as your friend or whatever, tell him and we’ll make sure he backs off”

“Fine” Lauren said as Liam smiled.


Lauren walked up to Harry’s and knocked on the door.

An excited looking Harry opened the door. “Hey Laur”

“Hi” Lauren replied nastily.

“We need to talk, then we’ll go” Harry said trying to fight off the frown.

“I don’t really want to talk to you Harry… not right now”

“Lauren” Harry said sighing, “You don’t have to talk then, just listen, hear me out… please”

Lauren just looked down at the floor as Harry tried to explain to her what happened.

 “I really don’t know what got into me yesterday. Actually I do, but I’m so ashamed of myself you don’t even understand.”

“Then tell me. Tell me why you got so angry with me that you would hurt me so bad!?”

Harry took a deep breath before telling Lauren went through his mind. “I was upset at first that your parents separated us, so when we first got here I was already not in the best mood. Then I heard Liam and Niall talking about how Liam doesn’t approve of us anymore, and I thought Niall was going to try to get you back, so I went up to your room and saw you and Niall kissing. I got really upset and went down to the pool where I first.. Well ya know. Then I met that girl, and really she is a really nice, but she isn’t who or what I want, it’s you. You’re who I want. So last night after you left I went to find you. I might  have eavesdropped on you and your parents conversation-“

“Harry!” Lauren protested.

“But it only made me realize, even more, how much of a prick I am. And I’m really really really truly sorry for everything I did. You mean more to me then how I acted, so to make it up, I’m bringing you to…” Harry  said while holding up a poster I happened to find in the front lobby.

Lauren’s face light up as Harry showed her the poster.

“Are we really doing this!?” Lauren asked.

“Damn right!” Harry said laughing “ Oh and cliff jumping because I didn’t do it yesterday with you, and I made a promise to myself that we would do everything together.” Harry added taking a hold of Lauren’s hand.

“Why?” Lauren asked. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because you. Lauren Payne, deserve every good thing this world has to offer.

Lauren smiled as Harry took her hand and walked her out the door. She knew what Harry was doing was nice, but like she said.. Harry wasn’t getting off the hook that easy.  She didn’t care that Harry was taking her to go on a Hawaiian helicopter ride, or taking her to go cliff jumping again; she was going to watch how he acted. Yes his apology was nice and seemed sincere, but you never knew with Harry.

Harry and Lauren were greeted by one of the producers from the Ellen show as they walked into the hotel lobby.  

“Ah Lauren, just who I was looking for.”

“Hi?” asked timidly

“No need to be worried sweetie” the producer said. “Oh Harry, you’re here too! Perfect. We need you to film a segment for the Ellen show, you know just explaining how everything is going and all that stuff”

“Alright, can we do it tomorrow or something? Because Harry and I were just about to go on a helicopter ride and then go cliff jumping”

“Sounds dangerous don’t you think?” The producer asked the two teenagers.

“Well they were on her bucket list so we thought why not while, we’re here.”

“Perfect, we’ll film that today, then be out of your hair” the producer said walking in between the two and walking Lauren away.

“But—“ Lauren was trying to say but was cut off by almost everyone in the lobby.

Harry gave Lauren a knowing look. He knew today wasn’t going to go as planned… at all.  

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