Chapter Three

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The next morning, she sat outside with Amber, whose words sounded like the plot of some sort of movie. Amber had repeated them three times so far, and each time, Summer felt as if they grew more and more foreign.

"Could you say that again?" she asked.

Amber smiled. "Everyone here possesses some sort of magick. Some will cross to Dark magick and some will stay in the Light. The balance between good and evil in the world is struck right here, in Priest Lake."

Summer stared at her blankly.

"We train all witchlings together in how to use their magick. We test them, and wherever their decisions lead them is which side they ultimately serve."

The words still seemed crazy.

"I teach those who stay in the Light and those who are newly arrived, before they choose. Unfortunately, the Light witchlings are becoming few and far between. We keep losing them to the Dark, if we find them at all. It's a little scary," Amber said with a sigh. "Any questions on your lecture schedule? I'm still adjusting where you'll be and will give you a new version next week."

Summer glanced at the paper in her hand. She'd read it twice, unable to believe it anymore than Amber's bizarre explanation that magick existed.


8:00: Dance: Mastering the magick-body connection

10:00: Review: History of Light and Dark Magicks in the Western World

11:00: Ethics of Magick in Society

12:00: Early release


8:00: Dance: Mastering the magick-body connection

10:00: Elemental Magick 101 (with Amber)

"Tomorrow, we'll figure out which elements you can talk to and next week, we'll get you into the classes for each of the individual elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Those are everyone's favorite classes. Speaking of which, are you ready for your first class?" Amber asked while leading the way through a door on the bottom floor of the house. "Dance."

The clash of reality and this strange new world left Summer speechless. She followed Amber into the dance studio, her own reflection catching along one wall. The girls in the room wore dance attire, either snug clothing or leotards. Summer's attention went from Amber's strange words to her own baggy sweatpants with holes and an oversized T-shirt. She crossed her arms again as the eyes of the dozen girls in the class fell upon her. A few of them smiled, while others went back to stretching.

Amber took up a spot near the back of class. A woman who looked as young as any of them stepped forward to lead them in some basic stretches and ballet moves. Summer's body responded despite the stretch of time between now and the ballet classes she took as a child, before entering the state system. She focused on moving instead of thinking, unable to digest exactly what it was Amber was trying to tell her.

She remembered the basics, stumbled a few times, but grew proud of herself for mastering the simple moves better than even Dawn. Amber smiled her encouragement.

"Dance is about understanding your body," the instructor, Jessie, said. "It's about identifying, controlling and mastering every muscle. For those practicing magick, it's the starting point for becoming in tune with your body, so you can recognize where your magick resides."

More about magick. Summer tried to ignore the magick and focus on the movements. She'd learned to listen to her body during the long nights she spent at the orphanage, when she could neither sleep nor concentrate on reading or anything else.

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