Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Summer ate a fast breakfast, tardy to start her day after getting home so late. She drank her juice as she hurried down the hallway to the dance studio. Jessie had already started, and Summer slid into the back of class. She was tired and went through the morning routine without paying much attention. As she turned to leave, Jessie stopped her.

"Don't rush off, Summer!"

Summer moved out of the way of the other girls. Dawn caught her gaze and smiled. Summer smiled back. When they'd left, she approached Jessie.

"Did you forget?" Jessie asked.

"Forget what?"

"Your dance lesson."

"Oh." Summer kicked herself mentally. "I'm kind of tired today, Jessie. Maybe we can—"

"Right on time, Decker," Jessie said, glancing towards the door.

Summer turned to face him, at once caught in his dark gaze. From the distance, she felt his magick. It energized her even without touching him.

"Sorry to interrupt. What was that, Summer?" Jessie asked.

"Nothing," Summer murmured.

"Waltz to warm up and we'll move onto something else," Jessie told them.

Summer moved to the middle of the floor. Decker joined her. He reached for her then rubbed the back of his head nervously. Her own body was warm and tingly before she lifted her hand out. He placed his against it then stepped forward with more confidence and placed his other hand on the small of her back.

Her senses came alive again. She recalled what Sam had said, that she needed to find what made her magick sing. It was Decker.

"Have you ever ... met Sam?" she asked, gazing up at him as they danced.

"Yes. Only a few of us have spoken to him. You met him?"


"You must be of certain interest to his kind. They don't talk to just anyone."

She said nothing. Instead, she listened to her body, the way Sam said she should. It responded to Decker, whose lead turned from hesitant to firm. Her lightheadedness returned, and she hoped he couldn't tell just how hard her heart was beating.

"You look tired," he said. "Did your deer keep you up?"

"No," she said. "I went to the mall yesterday and got left behind."

"Amber left you?"

"Just an accident. I'm too quiet. I guess I'm easy to forget."

"I don't think so."

Her face grew hot, and she looked away.

"Today, a merengue and salsa!" Jessie said. "I feel like something more fast-paced. This way, when you're listening to that modern crap, you can go between the slow and the quick. Summer, stand on my right. Decker, on my left. We'll work on the salsa steps first."

Summer stepped away from Decker. Jessie pulled her to the side as Latin music blared into the studio. Summer stumbled through the fast-paced steps that seemed only to tangle her feet. She couldn't keep up with the music, even when she mastered the steps. Frustrated, she sneaked a glance at Decker. He was worse off, his large feet tripping him as he tried to dance. They struggled through it for half an hour, with Jessie barking commands at them.

"On your toes, Decker. I know you played football," Jessie said impatiently. "You both are so much more coordinated at this when ..."

Summer gave up with a sigh. Jessie was gazing at her intently.

Dark Summer (Book I, Witchling Series)Where stories live. Discover now