Chapter Six

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Summer was a little disappointed Decker didn't return her smile when he walked off with the pretty girl. She turned her attention to Amber, who was finishing a lecture on how to align a pentagram the right way using a compass. Summer looked at the bench seat to the side of the table she sat on, recalling her evening with Decker. He knew he was broken. She wished she could show him he was also very sweet. He'd helped her take care of her fawn and spent time talking to her about things like stars that were probably stupid to him. Broken or not, there was good in him.

Amber's voice fell quiet. The kids rose, and Summer glanced at the schedule in her hands.

"Ignore the room number for your next class, Summer," Amber told her. "We're having the Earth Magick Intermediate class out here. It's too nice to be inside today."

Beck exited the main house through the kitchen, followed by a tall girl with dark hair whose attention was on her phone. Beck flashed a grin as he reached them and sat beside Summer on the table. He nudged her with his shoulder.

"How's life?" he asked.

"Fine," she mumbled.

"You're earth?"

"Um, sorta. I guess it's not my primary...thing," she said awkwardly.

"It's the best one, if you like camping," Beck said. "You'll never get cold."

She nodded, puzzled.

"Of course, if you go camping with someone else, you'll never get cold anyway."

He winked. Summer's face grew hot.

"Beck!" Amber chided.

"Joking, Amber." He rolled his eyes then turned to Summer. He studied her briefly. "Air, right?"

"Yeah," she answered.

"Can you use your magick yet?"

She shook her head.

"It's a good combination. My grandpa is air primary, earth secondary. When we were little, he used to make clouds and tell them to follow us around," Beck said. "Scared the hell out of us."

Summer laughed at the idea of being stalked by a fluffy white cloud.

"There's that adorable smile," Beck said. "Come on, Amber. I want to go to the beach today!"

"I'm waiting for Sonya to stop texting," Amber replied.

The brunette seated on the other side of Beck mumbled an apology and put her phone away. Summer barely heard their exchange, flustered that Beck thought her smile was adorable.

"...Summer?" Amber asked.

Summer stared at her. "Sorry, what?"

"Kids and their attention spans." Amber's attempt at being stern was too chipper to be taken seriously, though Summer did manage to contain her smile.

"What are the characteristics of the earth element?" Amber asked again. She sat cross-legged on the ground before them, flipping through a binder.

Summer tried to remember whatever it was Amber told her the other day about the air and earth.

"Protector," Beck whispered to her.

"Protector," Summer repeated.

"And?" Amber prodded.

"Healing," Beck added in the quiet voice.

Summer echoed him once more.

Amber glanced up at them. "Thanks, Summer and Beck. Do you remember the air element?"

Dark Summer (Book I, Witchling Series)Where stories live. Discover now