Madeline's POV

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As a 16 year old you'd think I'd have the world by the tail and life would be hunky dory. Gosh, you're wrong there. No offense, but I can't even figure out how to talk to boys in person. So my friend Kaylie convinced me to get this app. I'd be able to meet new people, and develop some social skills... I don't think I need help being social but as I type this Kaylie gave me the 'you're on crack and obviously need more help then I can give' look.

But back to the point, I got this app about two hours ago, and I've met some really cute guys, but let's be honest they're all to horny, if ya know what I mean. They seem good, but just want the deed. Not my kinda person. There's this guy named Luke that I liked and I think Kaylie would like him, I'm gonna set them up! They'd be such an adorable couple! I'll tell Kaylie on Monday... Until then I guess I'll test the waters with him and make sure he isn't like the others.

As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to go my teacher is looking at me as I type.

Bye loves!


A/N: Hi! I'm Maya! This is a new story With a lot of real life inspiration in it. So please enjoy! Comment, like, love! Have a good day loves!


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