Madeline's POV 2

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*Monday during Lunch*

"OMG! Kaylie! I have a super sweet and attractive guy for you!!!" I scream down the hall as I walk towards her, people staring at me, I realize why and blush slightly but keep walking with my head high.

"Geez Madeline not like announcing that to all of B-hall" she says teasing me.

I chuckle and say "Well, it's true!" I smile wide and hand her my phone so she can check Luke out for herself.

I watch her eyes widen slightly, I smirk to myself knowing I picked a guy of her taste. I pull my food out and start to snack on some chips. She scrolls through the conversation, and then starts freaking out quietly. I look up and watch her confused.

"He...Likes....Panic at the Disco!" She whisper-yells to me.

I nod my head and laugh "You should hear him sing!" I exclaim excitedly as I scroll to the video of him singing. I pause for a moment and hurriedly explain "If you let him know you listened to this, he will kill me, so keep your lips sealed!" She nods her head and puts the other earbud in her ear and I do the same. I press play and listen to his melodic voice fill my ear, I close my eyes and smile. When I open my eyes I notice that Kaylie is freaking out like a mime. I throw my head back laughing as she continues her mime impersonation.

"HIS VOICE, IS SO HOT!" She yells loudly. The student body president walking by looks at us weird as I continue to laugh. Once my laughs are under control I take my phone back and text him.

*start of the chat*

'Hey, Luke, the friend I told you about wants to talk to you. Here she is! :)'


'Hey Mads, can I call you that? And sweet I'd love to talk to her! :)'


'Yea, tbh I've never had a nick name. Here ya go!'


'Hi, I'm Kaylie, Madeline's friend, best friend really. You like P!ATD too!? :D'


'Hi, I'm Luke. And oh my gosh yes! Do you like "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"? That's a good one! Do you like Twenty One Pilots too? If not you should check them out!'


'OMG! That's my favorite song by P!ATD!! And who would I be if I didn't! "Stressed Out" is probably my favorite! What's your favorite one?'


'Ooh, "Stressed Out" is good, but "Heathens" is my favorite from Twenty One Pilots. Hey, I'll catch you later I need to talk to Mads, if that's okay with you'


'Yea, but who's Mads??? And ttyl Luke, you seem really chill btws'


'Mads is Madeline, she wasn't kidding when she said she had never had a nick name. And okay, and lol thanks, you seem pretty cool too. Bye :)'


'Ohhhhh lol okay, bye. Here's Madeline'


'Haha so that was my best friend! Whatdya think of her? Isn't she just fabulous! You needed to talk to me?'


'Haha she seems pretty cool, but I'm not interested in her. I'm interested in you Mads'


'Oh, uhm okay... Well she said we'd make a better couple.... But eh whatever haha she said it's cool'


'Haha okay, I have to go class is starting. Ttyl Mads ;)'


'Okay, ttyl Luke :)'


*end of the chat*

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