Friendship Down the Drain? Madeline's POV 4

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A/N:  guys, I'm honestly feeling like my take on this is failing. The story in real life developed slowly. And I wanted to make a story from it,  honestly feel like I'm failing...... But on to the story!! 


"Madeline!! MADELINE!!!" My supposed best friend yelled after me, I ignored her very audible shouts, and continued walking to class. I entered my biology class, and set my things down when an attractive guy walks in and sits down across from me. I bite my lip and looked down at my back pack nervously.

 He sat down and looked at me for a moment before saying "Hi, I'm Tyler. What's your name?" 

I paused for a second forgetting my own name, before hurriedly saying "I-I'm M-Madeline..." Tyler chuckled at my nervous reply as he smiled and nodded his head. He leaned forward and said "I really hate to be this guy, but do you have gum?" I paused from what I as doing and thought for a second before rummaging through my bag and grabbing a packet of gum; sliding it across the table saying "Take what you need." He smiled and took a piece and handed the pack back to me.

 I fell into silence as I pulled my things out for class. I panicked not being able to find my phone. I checked all of my back pack and my pockets before turning back to my backpack. Tyler holds back a laugh as he holds my phone up triumphantly. My jaw dropped as I reached for it. He laughed dodging my desperately reaching hand. 

He started to say "Ah, ah, ahh, What's your password?" 

I look at him with the 'are you on crack' look before saying "No! That's not fair!" 

He grips the phone tighter and puts it in his pocket. My eyes widen and I stutter a protest. He ignored my protest and puts his hands on the table, leeaving my phone in his pocket.  I humph dejectedly and sit back in my seat folding my arms as I glare at Tyler. He sticks his tongue out at me before pulling my phone out and typing on the screen. I watched him confused not remembering tellin him my password. I sit there confused as his facial expressions change as his fingers scroll. I wonder who he's talking to; I then realize that Luke's chat is the first chat in my messages. I lunge forward to grab my phone and I end up lunging myself out of my chair and onto the floor. Tyler watched shocked before he starts laughing. I momentarily sit there before the teacher irritatedly says "Madeline Jones! What on earth are you doing!?"  

I stand up sheepishly before answering "Nothing, Ma'am.."

 She replies in a slightly harsh tone saying "It looks like your exploring the floor with your face." The class erupts in laughter at this, I slide into my seat my face burning. 

I speak up softly "It won't happen again Ma'am". She nods her head firmly "It better not". 

I sink lower in my seat forgetting the fact Tyler still has my phone. I notice he is still typing away and I hardly kick his shin;  as my foot connects he lets out a loud "FUCK!" The teacher gasps and stalks over to Tyler angrily before lecturing him about proper language and insulting him. He sits there glaring at me the whole time. I smirk at him triumphantly, even though he still has my phone.  He managed to sweet talk himself out of detention but is still a little mad at me. 

*bell rings*

I quickly snatch my phone from Tyler and see he's in the middle of the messages from a- a bully.  I quickly hide the messages before Tyler trie taking my phone again. He turns to me with a serious look on his face. He stops my and drags me over to a corner. The words coming out in angry whispers "What the frick is that Madeline! Is someone cyber bullying you?! That isn't okay! You need to tell the administrators-" 

When he says that I cut him off "Tyler, no! I'm fine, it's fine, I have it under control. And if you tell anybody I will never talk to you again." 

He looks at me angrily before whispering again "Madeline, this isn't okay. If you won't tell I will. I care about my friends, and the things this person has said to you are beyond not okay, and beyond wrong-" he pauses before gently saying "Please don't hide this. How does that stuff make you feel?".

I ignore the question and change subjects. "Did you get all the notes from Biology?" He looks at me irritated, I sigh heavily and answer his question "I ignore it, it doesn't even cross my mind." He looks at me with the 'like I'm going to believ that' look but doesn't press further.  I smile wryly and whisper a thank you. He hugs me and says "Tell me if anything happens.  And Luke seems like a good guy." I stand there shocked as Tyler walks away smirking. 

*two hours later*

"MADELINE TAYLOR JONES!" Kaylie screams down B-hall, I cringe as I see her walking towards me angrily. I smile real big and say "Kaylie, baby, how ya doin?" 

She dead pans and says "Why did you ignore this morning? Is everything okay?  Who's that boy hugging you earlier? Are you mad at me?" I roll my eyes at all her questions before taking a deep breath and explaining "I couldn't find you this morning" the lie slips from my lips quickly "no I'm not mad at you, I'm fine, and that was Tyler." I explain hurriedly. She eyes before pulling out her lunch and eating some. She pauses and stares at me, I sit there and stare back.   I get the guts up and ask her some questions that have been bugging me. 

"Is Zach real? Are you lying about him? Are Mariah and Natalie really talking crap? Have you been joining in on it? Why did you say Natalie posted things about me on Instagram? Because I checked and she hasn't. So why have you lied?" I release all the questions like a dam holding back water. 

She pauses before answering really defensively "What?! No, why would you even say that!?" She fidgets nervously and avoids eye contact. 

I sober up and purse my lips unto a thin line "Exactly what I thought, you've been my best friend for two years, I can tel when you're lying. And you just lied to me. I'm done, bye." I walk away angrily and brush away the few tears off my cheeks. 

As I walk into Health Mariah comes up and says hi, I had enough and explode on her. 

"What ever game you and Natalie are playing, I'm done! I'm sick of you takin my friends, if you want them so bad, take them! They obviously aren't my friends. I hate you and the games you and Natalie play, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I  pull the door open and walk inside. Leaving Mariah standing there shocked. 


A/N: A new friend, but an old friend gone? Kaylie's POV is next! I hope you enjoy!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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