Luke's POV 3

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It's been about two months since I started talking to Mads, she honestly is so amazing. I like her so much, but the distance would kill us if we decided to get in a relationship. Friends, best friends  for now at least. 

I know it's only been two months but I'm honestly so happy talking to Mads. She's amazing, funny, sweet, caring, beautiful, adorable, smart, and hands down the best girl I've met in a while. I wish I could make her my girlfriend but honestly I know the distance would kill us, and I don't want to ruin what her and I already have. We're best friends, I can't ruin that. I hope she knows that. 

Well I'm in class right now honestly bored to hell and back, j can't wait for practice later, then I can just chill and excersie. 

*small thud on my desk*

I look up and see my friend Sam passed me a note. I roll my eyes and smile slightly as I open it and read it.

'are you cool man? You keep looking off into space, you usually focus really well'


I grab my pencil and scribble a reply

'Yea man, just thinking about someone and some stuff, hbu? You usually never pay attention to anything'


I watch the teacher to make sure the coast is clear before I toss the note on Sam's desk. I watch him open it before I turn my attention to the teacher again. Sam tosses the note to me again, I check that the teacher is busy before I open the note and read it.

'Someone? You finally get whipped man? And nah I totally pay attention' 


I chuckle as I scribble my reply. And toss it back to Sam, he looks up at me horrified and I close my eyes I hear the teacher's voice ring out.

"Passing notes are we Mr. Martin, I'm sorry my lesson is too easy for you that you don't want to listen. Mr. Martin this isn't like you, maybe you should remember that as top athlete you have a responsibility to set an example to other students. You don't get detention this time, but I catch you again and you have detention. Understood?" The teacher turns to the board slightly irritated. I gulp as I turn my attention to the board this time and not looking at Sam.

*bell rings* 

I walk over to Sam, and pat him on the back, before saying "That was close man, but yea I guess I'm kinda whipped. But don't tell anyone else." 

Sam nods along to what I'm saying and then says "Don't worry I got you, and tell me who has you so whipped bro".

I let out a heavy sigh and explain what's going on. 

"Well basically I've met this girl online and I really like her. We've been talking for about two months. I like her so much I want her to be my girlfriend but long distance doesn't work very well. And I don't want to hurt her...." I finish as I trail off kinda embarassed.

He sits quietly for a moment before saying "Luke if you like her go for it. If she is the one then distance will only make the two of you stronger. I have to go but good luck." Then he walks out to the parking lot. 

I sit there and think about what he said, but then I remember how my last relationship ship lasted, and the distance killed us. I couldn't do that to Mads. I just can't. Besides, what if she doesn't like me like that, if I told her how I feel and she didn't feel the same I would like a totally idiot! I sigh bmy head phones in and closing my eyes. 


A/N: Ooh so we have a confession from Luke!! What do you think will happen next? Is Luke going to distance himself from Madeline? Or wil he ask her out? Does she even like him like that?? Haha let's find out!


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