Luke's POV 2

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*one month later*

I've been talking to Mads for a while now, we both really like each other but I said that we should stay friends because distance kills relationships. I really like her, I smile whenever she texts. *phone buzzes* Speak of the devil I think in my mind as I reach for my phone.

*start of chat*

'Heyy, what's up? :)'


I smile as I read the text, my fingers flying over the keyboard in reply.

'Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. Mom is in for chemo. :/'


'What?? I hope she is okay!'


'Oh, I haven't told you... Have I? You see my mom has cancer.'


'Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I wish her the best of wishes.'


'Thanks Mads, so what are you up to?'


'Just doing homework, I swear this teacher is gonna kill me with essays.'


'Have fun with that babygirl, I gotta go ttyl?'


'Okay, ttyl for sure.'


*end of chat*

I smile a little as I lock my phone. Mads sure is somethin, I grin to myself as I walk to my mom's room. Yea, she has cancer. Honestly it sucks, but my mom is the strongest and bravest person I know. If anyone can beat cancer, it's her.


A/N: I hope you like the story!! Luke's character is still in development so please don't judge! Like, love, comment! Thanks loves!


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