Chapter 5

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It had been a week since I saw Janet and her family at the hospital and it was killing me. I needed to see her to talk to her. To know why she hurt me and as I got dressed to do just that I heard someone ring my doorbell. Let the maid get rid of them I was going to Janet's this instance and nothing was going to stop me.


I finished dressing and walked out. "What Elizabeth?"

"There is..."

"Look I am on my way out, get rid of them."

"Sir... it's Janet... she has a baby with her."

I stopped dead in my track and turned back. "She is here with a baby."


"In the living room sir."

I left her there by herself as I walked down the stairs. I stopped when I heard Janet singing to the baby who stopped crying when she sang. She had the biggest smile on her face and all I wanted to do was kiss and hug them.

♪When you came into my life and turned it upside down I was scared.

But as I look at you in the eyes I know but one thing you are my life.

Oh I love my little Janice for she is my life. ♪

I walked in and took a seat across from her. Folded my legs over one another and my arms across my chest. I felt rage build in me.

"I don't understand why you are here... especially with that child... I don't want a slut or her bastard in my home." As the words came out my mouth her smile disappeared and I wanted to take them back. I did not understand why I said them.


"No Janet!" I could not stop myself I was so angry and immediately regretting everything. "Yes I broke your heart and... but what so I break your heart and you what go lay with the first man you saw. You are worthless and I do not see what I ever saw in you! Just leave you are worthless and you are trash to me. "

I saw the tears running down her face and I wanted to hold her and make it go away. I wanted to tell her the truth about everything and make it better but my pride was hurt.

She straightened up and placed the baby in the car seat and buckled her she stood and went to the door.

"You walked out on me... I screamed and cried telling you that I loved you. Pleaded for you to stay with me... I loved you with all my life and I pleaded but you turned your back Sebastian not me, you got on that plane and left Sebastian. The choices and things that followed happened because you left. In you leaving you declared that your love for me never existed."

I went to talk but she raised her hand. "I did not come to argue or ask for answers. I simply came because years from now I don't want my daughter to come out of nowhere and tell you she is your daughter. I don't want years from now for you to be surprised with a child you know nothing about. So yes Janice is your daughter and like you said earlier I guess your right she is a bastard. But at least she has a mother, an aunt, an uncle and Annabelle who will die for her. For the sake of it being said you know more than anyone that I am not slut. You were my first and you have been my only."

She said those words and walked out of my living room. She said those words and as I sat there I felt my world twist in a one eighty and I knew I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. 

His Mistake!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang