Chapter 8

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I stood in the crowded house alongside everyone waiting for Janet and my daughter to show up. I can admit when I have been a coward. I had not called her or talked to her since she told me but I was here and I was ready to beg them to be with me. I let Janet slip thru my fingers once but this time her and my daughter would become my family.

I was thinking of what to say when Isabelle ran in. "Guys! They are coming!"

I looked to the door expecting my future wife and daughter and what I saw was like a punch in the gut. There in the doorway stood the women of my dreams in a red dressed that clung to her waist and spread out she had a black belt on her waist and a black bow in her curled hair and she had on black heels. My little girl who was turning one today was wearing a red dress black baby shoes and a matching black bow. That perfection is not what killed me, what killed me was the fact that holding my Janet by the waist and carrying Janice was a guy in a red button down shirt with a black bow tie, black pants, black vest and black shoes. They looked like a real family all complete with both Janet and Janice clinging to him smiling happily and looking around.

As Janet took us in she hid from us in his arms clutching his shirt like she should have been doing mine.

Janet scooted up and tickled her and she looked up and there she was my little girl. She had her mom's: hair, smile, chin, nose, everything but she had my eyes, gray like a storm. He looked at them both with so much love and ownership like if they were his.

Everyone was laughing and smiling when Jonathan who I came to find out was Janet's brother spoke up.

"Ladies and Gentlemen the honored guests have arrived of course we have the birthday girl..." he pulled my daughters leg and she giggled making my heart skip a beat 'oh what a beautiful sound' it was incredible "we have my beautiful sister Janet and the handsome hunk here Henry her Boyfriend. Welcome you guys and let's get this party started!"


I had been having a great time. I had seen Sebastian but he had made no move to approach so I relaxed. I was rocking Janice to sleep in a corner with Henry standing by me talking to me when he kissed my cheek.

"I have to pee... so I will back in as long as that takes." He laughed kissing me again.

"Thanks for that." I scrunched my face at him as he looked surprised I laughed and started singing to Janice as he walked towards the restroom.

♪When you came into my life and turned it upside down I was scared.

But as I look at you in the eyes I know but one thing you are my life.

Oh I love my little Janice for she is my life. ♪

"Did you invent that for her?" I heard Sebastian ask and I tensed.

"Yes I did... when she was just born she woke something up in me and all I wanted to do was sing." I kissed her cheek.

"Do you..."

Henry came back and kissed my cheek. "How are my girls?"

"Your girls!" I heard Sebastian yell and Janice woke up crying.

"Really Sebastian! You are such a child!" I tried to calm her but she reached for Henry wanting him to hold her.

"Come here sweet girls what's wrong? You want mommy to sing your song because we know I can't, I sing uglier than ugly." He kissed her cheeks and she calmed down and started dosing off again.

He looked at Sebastian and stuck his hand out "Henry. I will assume you are Sebastian this little angels father."

Sebastian looked at his hand and ignored it so I took it in mine.

"Look Sebastian I know she is your daughter and me and Henry have spoken about this if you want to be a part of our daughter's life we will not stand in the way she is after all also your daughter as well."

"Spoken to Henry... who does he think he is..." he turned to Henry "they are... they are mine!"

I looked at Janice who looked like she wanted to cry again. "Can you be civilized... we are trying to put Janice down for a nap... look Janice is your daughter and you are more than welcome to have a relationship with her but me and you there is no more... I am with Henry and I can honestly say I have never been happier." 

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