Chapter 9

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I was lying in Henry's arms in my bed across from Janice crib. We were still at my sister's house and at the moment we were panicking because she had a fever and she has had it for over nine hours.

"Janet let's take her to the hospital just to make sure."

I stood. "Yeah you are right... I know you are tired you can wait here or..."

"Really?" he laughed puling me into a hug and kissing me. "Let's go."

"Get her ready will you... I am going to go tell Jonathan and Janey."

"Alright... make sure your grab us a sweater each please."

"Yeah." I grabbed them and walked downstairs and saw Janey lying in Peter's chest and Amy laying Jonathans they were all watching a movie.

Peter and my sister had been dating for about two months but you could see they were already in love and Amy and Johnny had been dating since they were fifteen. They have been married for two years and were finishing up school to start having kids.

"Guys..." they all looked up at me and Johnny and Janey immediately stood up.

"Is she still?"

"I'm taking her to the hospital... her fever won't go down."

"Ok we will come..."

"No Henry and I will take her and we will keep you updated ok." I kissed them both as Henry walked into the living room holding a sniffling Janice her eyes full of tears and her cheeks all red.

We walked into the emergency room and Sebastian looked up surprised and then looked annoyed as he saw Henry.

"Is everything ok Janet?"

"No Janice has a fever..."


I walked them to a curtain and had them lay my daughter on a bed and I began examining her. From the side effects I thought she might have an infection.

"Let me run some test on her and we will see... for now I will have the test run and then the pediatrician Dr. Carter will take over... the room she will be in can only be close relatives so Henry you will have to wait in the waiting room." I said with a smug look.

"How closer can he get than being her dad?"

"I am her father!" I said my heart beating a mile a minute.

"Good job dad." She said sarcastically as Janice started crying and reaching for Henry off all people.

"I am serious he is not allowed in here." I said pointing to the room.

"Sweetheart please don't argue I can sit outside." He kissed her with no malice. "What is important is that Janice gets better ok." He handed Janice to her and sat in a chair outside the room smiling at her.

We walked in and she laid Janice down on the bed I tried to hide my smiled. "I will ask if he is allowed in here. He deserves to be in here more than you do." She said thru her teeth.

"I am her dad..."

"You are the sperm donor." She said matter-of-factly.

I grabbed her wrist hard knowing I would be leaving bruises. "You will both be mine and not that morons outside."

She spat on my face and I stopped myself from slapping her. "We will never be yours... you can be her father but she will always love Henry more than you."

I sat in corner when they finally allowed Henry to come in here. He sat in a chair and Janet was leaning on his chest. He was absent mindly playing with her hair. Janet was sleeping and I was just staring at them.

"You know I want us to be friends for Janice sake," he said quietly after a while.

"You are stealing my daughter and the women I love... how can we be friends?" I looked at him accusingly.

"Janet tried to fight for you... but you walked away. I stole nothing I simply feel in love with a single mother."

"She does not know the reason for me leaving..."

"And what you think if she knows she will fall to her knees in front of you?"

"Of course not but she might understand and love me back..."

He looked me in the eyes with no hatred and simply stated. "Then tell her... I will not stand in the way of Janice having her parents together... but if she doesn't care or it does not change anything you will stop with the hatred because we don't need that in our lives."

"So be it... but you will bow out..."

"Yes I will..." I could see a pit of pain in his eyes.

"Then wake her... tell her you are getting lunch and give us time to talk."

"Okay." He pulled her hair playfully and she stirred and smiled at him and then jumped up to Janice. "Hey" he pulled her back to him and sat her on his lap I flinched. "I am going to go get some lunch for all of us I will be back later." He kissed her.

"Okay... I love you."

"God I hope so..." he laughed and she pouted. "I love you too Janet don't pout." He kissed her and then Janice and walked out.

She sat by the bed and looked at me with tears. "How much longer until they let me take her home?"

"A few hours..." I stood and stretched. "Her fever is down and right now she is just napping."

She smiled at me with such joy.

I sat next to her. "We need to talk... I need to tell you why I left...."

"No lo..."

"I left because my mom died and I needed to go fix all the problems she left and to bury her... I didn't know how to tell you and so I just left... I felt horrible leaving and I knew the moment that I got on that plane that I needed to hurry home so that I could fight for you and make up for everything. The moment I got here it seemed like mistake after mistake kept me away from you and I don't know how to make up for it. I want us to be a family and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Janet and I love Janice."

She put her hand on my cheek. "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I don't know, I was hurting and I did not know what to do or think."

She smiled at me. "A lot has happened..." she looked at our daughter.

"Do you love me?" I looked at her scared.

She looked at our daughter and then back at me. "Of course I love you..."

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