Chapter 1

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Angie's P.O.V

Its been two years since I talked to vilu and seen German I had my baby it was a girl Jack wanted it to be a boy but he is happy for his godchild her name is Lucia my baby Lucia you may be wondering if I told German anything before I left I didn't I couldn't and why I haven't talked to vilu in two years because I just didn't wanna be reminded of home I couldn't be it hurt me my baby girl is now 1 and half she has my eyes and has Germans color hair but also mine its like combine she is so adorable and cute

Violetta's P.O.V

I can't believe its been two whole years since I seen Angie she hasn't even called me since she left I don't know if she is alive or what happened to my brother or sister if she had it or not , not even Jack has called and well I haven't told my dad anything about Angie's baby or anything me and my dad really don't talk as much as we use to one thing i'm glad about is he didn't get married with Priscilla he broke up with her he saw how bad she was and well let's just say she is in jail and Ludmilla she lives with us she has really changed a lot she is good now we are like sisters now I know weird but we get along I really wanna see Angie talk to her I miss her so much

German's P.O.V

Its been two years since I seen her Angie I miss her so much I broke up with Priscilla she was a bad person let's just say she is in jail now and well Ludmilla lives with me and vilu but vilu doesn't really talk to me anymore we are so far apart since Angie left I want me and vilu to talk like we use to and I want Angie back here I need to see her I need her next to me I need to fell her right next to me I need to fell her lips against mine I love her but I haven't seen her or talked to her in two years is she married have kids I need to see her she is the love of my life I was so stupid to let her go again I need to find a way to see her or at least talk to her she hasn't even called vilu since she left as she said she would called her everyday but she didn't and vilu has been sad since she left so two years with a sad vilu 

I know very short chapter but this is just telling you what happen to them next chapter will be better

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