Chapter 16 JACK

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Angie's P.O.V

I got up from the bed got ready for the day everyone was still asleep but I had to get ready because I have the other meeting today so I went to my room did my hair and makeup then chose my clothes to wear then I was done getting ready so I called John to tell him so he can pick me up I went downstairs as I waited for him so I just started to make a fruit salad for myself to eat for breakfast as I waited for him after some time Violetta came down stairs with German when she saw me she had a little smirk on her smile she is up to something

V: hey Angie

A: hey

V: where are you going

A: somewhere

V: this early

A: yes

Then there was a car beep and I'm guessing it was for meeeeeeeeeeee

A: well I have to go my ride is here

G: wait your going like that

A: yeah is there a problem with my outfit

G: no it's just too showy

V: I think it's perfect

A: I really don't care I have to go bye if you want you can eat my food that I left

V: yeah thanks

I left got in the car we drove to the meeting after it was done Carlos picked me up so we can talk and go have a bit of fun

C: so did you tell him yet

A: no

C: Angie

A: I know I have to but I don't know u really tried I did

C: okay then but let's go have some fun now

A: okay

He took me to this place where we used to come a long time ago it's a fun place but I haven't been in it in a long time he comes here a lot because loves having fun lots of fun

A: let's go

C: come on Angie just a bit longer

A: no let's go

C: okay fine but you owe me

A: okay

C: okay then tonight we are going out

A: where are we going

C: to the bar

A: no

C: YES!!!!!

A: no

C: please come on I have to look for some cute guys

A: Uh Fine

C: and wear something nice, please

A: Whats wrong with this

C: Everything

A: Fine

He then took me home when I entered the house I could hear him say

C: Wear something nice but also sexy

And I just laughed then I heard the car drive away then I noticed everyone was in the living room they just stared at me 

A: Hello

G: Hey who was that

A: My friend 

V: You going out later 

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