Chapter 18 Long Night

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Angie's P.O.V

After a long time at the bar with Carlos I drove him home because he got kinda drunk and I wasn't Gonna let him drive like that after I dropped him off I went to my house to talk to jack

J: hey I have a surprise for you

A: really

J: but first what is with all that

A: long story but making it short Carlos and bar

J: okay got it

A: so my surprise

J: boy come her

Max came running to me and pushed me to the ground and started to lick me on my face he is a tall dog that's why I misses him so much

A: max I missed you but please get off boy

He did as I said and I stood up

A: thank you jack I missed him and you and of course Lucia

J: speaking of Lucia where is she

A: with her dad

J: with German

A: yeah

J: so what is going on with you two

A: nothing we are just friends why

J: no reason but did you tell him

A: yeah he knows about him being a dad now

After some time of talking I headed home to German home max stayed with jack he cried a bit because I wouldn't let him come with me but I told he can come tomorrow with me so he stopped when I got to Germans room he was asleep and so was Lucia
so I went to my room got in my PJs and then went back to German's room and got in bed and fell asleep like a hour later Lucia started to cry so I woke up and German did to because if the crying I went up to her and got her

G: what's wrong

A: she is hungry

A: let me go do her bottle for her and I will be right back just watch her please

G: okay

I went and did her bottle I know it may seem weird she is 1 and halve what does she still drink out of a bottle well it may be from family I didn't stop till I was almost 3 I know crazy but yeah when the bottle was  done I went upstairs and got her and started to give it to her after she was finished with it I had to burp her then she started to fall asleep again so I put her back on her crib And went back to German

A: that was easy

G: I guess

A: now the hard part comes trying to fall asleep again

G: how can you do this

A: I  am a mom and well I got use to it

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