Chapter 17 Girlfriend or Not ??

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Angie's P.O.V

He didn't say anything he just stood their like a ghost

A: German are you okay

G: is she when you and me ... When I was Jeremiah...??

A: yes German

G: oh why...didn't tell

A: I was afraid and then when I came back I was gonna tell you then everything happened then you started to date Priscilla and I just couldn't say anything so I left

G: I understand but still I had the right to know

A: I know that I always knew that I was just afraid I'm sorry

G: I missed everything shopping for her , her birth, her first words, when she first kicked, I missed everything

A: you didn't miss everything you did shop for her you were there when she first kicked even if you didn't know but you were there and during her birth I thought about you it was like you were there the whole time you were always on my mind you were the only one I thought about  when I was afraid or scared of anything

G: I don't remember shopping for her

A: remember when I told you we were shopping for a friends baby well that was mine

G: so I did

A: Yes

G: Angie I really missed up

A: no you didn't I was the one who didn't tell you anything

G: but I missed everything up

A: no you didn't I'm here aren't I and your daughter is here you still have a chance to make up for lost time we both do but like a family

G: Family together

A: yeah

I went and hugged him we stayed like that for a while it felt amazing I just love when he is hugging me I feel save in his arms like nothing can ever happen to me.

G: Angie??

A: yes German

G: I want to ask you something Well I been wanting to ask you for a while but I think this is the right moment to do it

A: what is it. I said as I looked up at him While I was still hugging him 

German's P.O.V

She looked up at me with her cute beautiful eyes of hers its time to ask her .

G: well Angie I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend ?

She was looking at me I hope she says yes because I love her and j can't live not even a second without her and I can't deni  my feeling for her any more they are to strong to deni them anymore

A: yes I would love to be your girlfriend I been waiting so much to hear this. She said and smiled at me and hugged me tight I kissed her head and hugged her back

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