Chapter 23

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Angie's P.O.V

Lucia and German were talking when she said...

L: dad I'm tired.

G: do you wanna go to your old room or go to your sister room? He asked

A: don't worry we are gonna stay in a hotel German

G: don't be silly Angie you two can stay here. He said

L: can I go to Violetta's room daddy? She asked

G: sure sweety.

L: yay bye daddy I'm going to bed. She said running upstairs to Violetta's room

G: I can ask Olga to make you a room. He said

A: I don't wanna be a bother I will go to a hotel don't worry I will let Lucia stay as she came here to see you okay and I will go.

G: Angie I don't mind  if you stay really. He said

A: Really I will go to a hotel okay.

G: are you sure? He asked

A: yes I am. I said as I grabbed my suit case and  Phone.

G: let me take you to your hotel. He said as he took my suit case I just nodded because I know him he won't give up.

We went to his car he put my suit case into the car then he started to drive and I was testing with  Austin.

Text message

When are you coming back to France sweets.

Xxxxx Austin

I don't know I wish I could be with you right now watching a movie and stuff I already miss you baby.

Xoxo Angie

I miss you to wat more then you can imagine but sweety I have to go to bed its late as you know I wish I can kiss you goodnight but I can't as you are to far.

Xxxxx Austin

Well okay goodnight and wish you could kiss me to.

Xxxx Angie

I put my phone away after I was done texting him so I just looked out the window looking at the night sky of Buenos Aries it was really beautiful.

G: are you glad to be back? He asked

A: I guess. I said

G: I'm glad your back. He said and put his hand on my knee.

I looked at it he was going higher and higher I grabbed his hand and took it away from me I don't know what he was doing.

G: sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

A: just don't touch me again ever  please.

G: Angie I just I mean I....I...

A: just don't please.

G: I'm sorry for what I did to you I now know I was stupid to hurt the most perfect intelligent most beautiful girl in the world and I lost her for a stupid thing I did and I have hurt her so much over so many years.

A: you know the worst part wasn't you cheating but was that you just used me as your stupid toy for what ha just to see me cry and hurt or what?

G: I never wanted to hurt you Angie

A: really that's not how it seemed because you cheated on me for how long?

G: Angie please don't be like that.

A: be like what German telling you the truth, you know it was just a stupid idea to come here I can't wait till this is over so I can go home and be happy again with Lucia and my fiancé. I said

G: Fiancé your getting married?

A: yes I'm finally happy and I'm with someone who loves my daughter and she likes him and he makes me happy.

He didn't say anything else but he just kept driving to my hotel I hears him whisper to him self " I'm sorry".

After sometime we arrived he took my suitcase down I smiled as a thank you, and then headed to the front desk he left and I went to my room.

German's P.O.V

She's getting married that's all that went through my head as I was driving back home that's all I could think of nothing else but that she is getting married with a guy that is not me I'm so stupid for what I did to her I have lost the love of my life for a stupid mistake I did 

I can't let her go back to France and get married to that guy I need her here with me and Lucia and her family.

I can't lose her and I won't .

Sorry for the short chapter but I hoped you liked it. Angie is getting married to her boyfriend and German doesn't seem so happy about it. He sounds Like he would do anything to stop her from getting married and going back home but how far will he go??

Thanks for reading

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