Added Extra . . . .

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Hey guys, check out the external link for Soph's outfit -- hope you are all ready, here it is for your enjoyment . . . Sophia’s date!!!!!

I curled my hair around my wand again in a vain attempt to make it curl away from my face, he’d be here any minute and I’m shitting it.

“Should I take my wand?” I asked Anna as she walked past the bathroom door, a pile of ironing in her arms.

“If you want, it’s not like he doesn’t know what one is.” She shrugged dumping the ironing on the toilet seat and taking my wand from me to curl the errant strand of hair. “You nervous?”

“Obviously!” I exclaimed as Oliver came to the bathroom door looking confused. “Sorry.”

“I thought you two were dying or something.” He smirked taking the ironing from the toilet seat and heading towards their bedroom.

“I still can’t get over the fact you have your own house.” I muttered letting her fix my hair in her OCD mothering manner. “I mean not even Dan and Lorna have got a house.”

“Neither of them have an inheritance.” She stated and I pulled an apologetic face, I’d forgotten about that fact. “But it is nice, I feel like an adult and everything.”

“And I still have to share a bedroom.” I pouted and she grinned.

“You practically have your own room here.” Anna stated as Oliver walked back past the door.

“You stole my broom room.” He stated as the door rang, a smirk spread across his face, “I’ll get it.”

“Oh god he’s here!” I panicked flapping my hands about hoping it’d make me feel better, it didn’t. “Do I look alright?”

“Soph, it’s just Richard. He likes you as it is, don’t over think.” Anna stated grabbing a makeup wipe and running it under my eyes before pushing me out of the bathroom.

“Hey.” Richard grinned, standing in the living room chatting with Oliver. “You look beautiful.”

“Hey Rich.” Anna sang from behind me, “She really does doesn’t she, where you going?”

“For dinner.” He stated, his eyes never leaving mine once. “Shall we go?”

“Yeah.” I grinned grabbing my bag that Oliver was holding out for me with my jacket.

“Have fun, don’t get pregnant.” Anna sang as the door shut behind us.

“You look really nice too.” I blurted out as we walked down the front path to his car.

“Thanks.” He grinned pressing a button, unlocking his car before opening the door for me.

Blushing I sat down and waited for him to run around the other side and join me.

I watched as his hands moved in the familiar motions of changing gears, turning the wheel and indicating. All things I’d love to have learnt, but I went to Hogwarts instead of being a normal girl.

“I’m so jealous.” I stated and he laughed looking over at me.

“Of what?”

“You, driving.” I sighed sitting up straighter. “I’ve always wanted to drive and then I go and turn out to be a witch.”

“You’re family aren’t then?” he asked and I shook my head. “That makes things easier, as much as I’ve always known . . . you’ll understand things Anna just doesn’t.”

“Anna’s shit at muggle things.” I agreed as he smirked. “Soo, where are we going tonight?”

“There’s a little known restaurant that I’m in love with.” He smirked and I couldn’t help the laugh that started to form on my lips.

Catch Me If You Can. Oliver WoodWhere stories live. Discover now