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Chapter Twenty-Four


"Clary, please let me explain." Jocelyn tried to plead with her daughter as we were all led into the Institute by Aldertree, Lydia, Maryse, and several guards.

"Lydia." Aldertree gained the blonde envoy's attention as I headed away from the center of the Institute, planning on going straight to my room. When I walked into my room I found everything as I'd left it, relieving me. I hated it when people messed with my stuff.

I rolled my shoulder, wincing slightly at the sting of pain that still filled it. The guards had at least had the decency to use a healing rune on my injury, though it did little good compared to what Magnus could do with his magic. I barely had a chance to sit down on my bed before my door opened, revealing Izzy.

"Thank the Angel, you're okay." A sigh of relief escaped her as she hurried over to my bed, pulling me into a hug. Once again, I found myself wincing, only causing her to pull back and look at me in concern. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I tried brushing her concern off, though from the look in her eyes I knew she wasn't going to let that happen. "I'm just a little sore. I hurt my shoulder when I was trying to help Jace."

"You saw him?" Her eyes widened at my words. "Is he okay?"

"I think so." I nodded. "Though, it's clear that Valentine's getting in his head. He killed a vampire in the middle of the street, Iz. I'd never seen him like that. And then Jocelyn, the woman who's supposed to be his mother, tried to kill him. The way she's acting, it's just going to push him towards Valentine."

"Wait, Jocelyn tried to kill him?" She asked in surprise.

"Twice." I ran a hand through my already messy hair. "The first time Valentine blocked it to take the hit and the second time I did."

"Well, at least you're back home." She offered me a small smile. "It was lonely not having you around."

"Elizabeth?" We both looked at the door when it opened, revealing Lydia, Simon standing right behind her. "Aldertree would like to speak with you."

"Great," I muttered sourly.

"Behave." Izzy cautioned me as I got up to leave.

"No promises." I said before I followed Lydia and Simon through the halls, finding ourselves walking into Aldertree's office.

"Nice to see you again, Simon, Elizabeth." Aldertree greeted us with a smile, Lydia closing the office door behind us.

"Nice to be seen." Simon returned the smile.

"Let's discuss the vampire den, shall we?" Aldertree suggested, getting straight to business.

"Why am I here?" I frowned at the older man. "As you kindly pointed out yesterday, my father was a warlock. I have no business with vampires."

"True, but I do have it on good authority that you have a close friendship with the leader of the New York coven." Aldertree said, clearly referring to Raphael. I guess he hadn't heard about what had happened at Hotel DuMort a few days ago. Now, the vampire den."

"Yes." Simon nodded. "Completely disgusting. I mean, ridiculously unsanitary. Who does that?"

"That's what I need you two to find out." Aldertree informed us.

"Us?" Simon chuckled. "We're not exactly in on the management decisions. I mean, I'm more on the ground floor."

"Which is exactly why I'm asking you, my friend." Aldertree explained. "Both of you. After the recent unrest amongst the local vamps, I can't trust my intel."

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