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Chapter Twenty-Six


"W- Where are you taking me?" The werewolf asked as I led her through the streets of Brooklyn, both of us soaking wet from where we'd washed up on the shore of the Hudson River. I wasn't sure how, but we had managed to get separated from Clary and Jace. All I could do was hope that they were together and safe. Right now though, I needed to get us somewhere safe.

"Relax," I stopped and faced her, seeing the fear clear in her eyes. I couldn't blame her, just a few hours ago she'd been about to die at the hands of Valentine. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm friends with Luke... sort of. I'm Zia."

"Gretel." She introduced herself. "Where are you taking me?"

"For right now, we need to go to the Institute." I told her, not too fond of the idea myself right now. However, I was willing to bet money that Jocelyn had dragged Magnus to the Institute when Clary and I had disappeared with Dot, likely wanting him to try and track us himself. "I have a friend there that can keep you hidden until it's safe for you to go back to your pack."

"Why did you save me?" She asked as we started walking again. "Why not just save your own skin?"

"No one deserves to die under Valentine's orders." I shook my head. "Besides, it's what my parents would have wanted me to do."

"I doubt that." She scoffed.

"I don't." I shrugged, sparing her a sideways glance. "After all, my father was a warlock."


Gretel stayed quiet at my side as we slipped in through the back on the Institute. The plan was to slip back to my bedroom so Gretel could hide out there while I found Magnus. However, that plan went down the drain instantly when we turned the corner, finding Aldertree standing in the middle of the hallway with several guards behind him.

"Elizabeth, it's wonderful to see you again." Aldertree smiled at me, though I didn't believe him for a second. "And I see that you've brought a friend."

"Valentine was planning on killing her." I informed him, taking a small step forward so I was standing protectively in front of Gretel. "I promised to protect her. She's not safe with her own pack right now, Valentine could easily get to her again if she's there."

"Well, it looks as though you'll be able to join Clary and I for our conversation." Aldertree noted, causing my eyes to widen.

"Clary's here?" I asked, though I didn't give anyone time to answer me before I spoke again. "Is Jace with her? Where are they?"

"I'm afraid that will have to wait." He shook his head. "Raj will take your friend to your room for now."

"You'll be okay." I assured Gretel before I followed after Aldertree, following him along the familiar path to his office. When he opened the door I saw Clary sitting in front of the fireplace, a cup of tea in her hands. Her head shot up at the sound of the door opening, her eyes locking onto me.

"It appears you've both had quite the harrowing experience." Aldertree spoke before Clary or I had the chance to. I walked over at took a seat next to the red head while Aldertree too a seat in one of the chairs near the fireplace, not taking his eyes off of us for a second. "Jocelyn tells me you were abducted by Dorothea Rollins, a warlock under Valentine's control."

"Uh, that's right." Clary nodded.

"Did she portal you two to a tanker ship in the East River?" He asked.

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