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Chapter Twenty-Seven


"How'd it go with Aldertree?" I asked Magnus as I watched Alec walk through the central ops room from my seat at a desk. Ever since Alec had returned to the Institute, in perfect health, I had been keeping my distance, giving him time to really process everything that had happened.

"Well, the man didn't disappoint." Magnus shook his head. "In his own charming, inimitable way, he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided."

"All for trying to save his life." I sighed, feeling guilty that I'd gotten him in trouble with everything that had happened to Alec. "You know, Jace may have been the one who pulled him out, but you did make a difference. You're a large part of why he's still here. So, thank you. I truly owe you one, Mags."

"You owe me nothing." He waved off my words before his expression turned more serious, his dark eyes flickering in Alec's direction for a moment before he focused on me again. "How are the two of you? Have you spoken about... it yet?"

"Which it are you referring to?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "How I hid the fact that I have demon blood from him? Or how I helped Clary sneak out of the Institute and landed the both of us in one of Valentine's traps, putting Clary, Jace, and I all in danger?"

"Never mind." He pursed his lips together, clearly already knowing my answer. "How is Jace?"

"He won't be gone long." I said. "Once his hand touches the Soul-Sword, the truth will come out. And prove that he's never been on Valentine's side. Even Aldertree will have to realize that."

"Zia," Magnus and I both looked up at the sound of Alec's voice, finding him standing in front of us now, I hadn't even noticed his approach. His hazel eyes flickered between Magnus and I for a moment before the warlock cleared his throat.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the little warlock's room." Magnus excused himself, leaving Alec and I alone for the first time since he'd woken up.

"Can we go somewhere private?" He asked. I only nodded, standing up from my chair to follow him out of the room. We only came to a stop once Alec had found an empty hallway, both of us just staring at each other for a minute, until he cleared his throat. "I wanted to apologize-"

"Alec, you have nothing to apologize for." I cut him off.

"Yeah, I do." He disagreed. "When Aldertree announced who you're father was, I shouldn't of acted the way I did. I just froze, I didn't even try to help you when he kicked you out of the Institute. I've known you your whole life, I'm supposed to be on your side, no matter what. I mean, you're still a Shadowhunter, you still have angel blood running through your veins. You belong here just as much as the rest of us."

"Alec," I sighed. Two thoughts kept playing in my head, a question that I wanted to ask so badly, but I knew this wasn't the time. I didn't know if there'd ever be a right time. "It was an order from the acting head of the Institute, there's nothing anyone could have done. All you would have done was get yourself in trouble."

"Look," He took a deep breath. "I know that with everything that's been going on, I... We haven't had a chance to..."

"Go on that first date we never had?" I finished for him, a small smile making its way onto my lips.

"Right, yes." He nodded.

"I know a place in SoHo that has the best lamb kebab this side of Marrakesh, well, according to Magnus." I suggested. "Or I could ask Magnus to portal us to Marrakesh, if you want. You hungry?"

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