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Chapter Thirty-One


"I'd hate to be that punching bag." Izzy commented. I sighed, turning around to find her and Clary watching me as I took a break from my constant training. For the past few days I had thrown myself into training, trying to work off all the emotions that were brewing inside of me, all of the unanswered questions that I had.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I raised a brow at the brunette and redhead in front of me.

"Magnus is calling me now." Isabelle informed me, only making me roll my eyes. For days Magnus had been trying to get in touch with me, it had gotten to the point where I had turned off my phone to escape its constant ringing. I just needed some space and time to think without having Magnus breathing down my neck, constantly voicing his concern for me. "He's worried about you."

"Tell me something I don't know." I muttered, taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Aldertree has assigned us to go see the Iron Sisters." She informed me, making me raise my brows at the pair.

"Looks like your dream's finally coming true." I offered her a small smile. "I'd offer to tag along, but I doubt Aldertree or the Clave would allow that. After all, I'm a freak of nature."

"Hey, don't say that about yourself." She frowned.

"Why not? Everyone else is." I scoffed. "That's what everyone thinks of me now. I'm surprised they haven't thrown me out onto the streets again."

"Look, I was wondering if you could do something for me." Clary cut in, making me turn my attention back to her. "No one's heard from Luke since my mom... since she died. Simon's out there trying to find him, I was wondering if you could help him? I mean, two heads are better than one."

"Anything to get me out of here." I nodded.


"I have a question, is the food here any good?" I asked Simon as he and I both stood outside of Jade Wolf, him having just gotten off the phone with Clary. "I mean, this is the third time I've been here and I've never tried the food."

"To be fair, the first time we were hostages and the second time there was a murder." He pointed out as we both headed inside, well aware of the nasty looks some of the werewolves were throwing our way. Once we got inside we headed straight to the back counter, spotting Luke's friend Alaric sitting on a stool.

"Great detective work." I commented, making him look up at me. "Really makes me believe in the NYPD."

"We've done our looking." Alaric assured us. "Luke's nowhere to be found."

"So, that's it? You're giving up on Luke?" Simon question the older man.

"We looked everywhere." He told us. "His trail's gone cold."

"But he's your friend, your pack leader." Simone reminded him.

"Yeah, well, if you find him, you can remind him of all that." Alaric narrowed his eyes at us. "Lately, Luke's been far more concerned with Shadowhunters than his own pack."

"Don't give me that look." I raised my hands, not liking the dirty look the werewolf was throwing my way. "Case you haven't heard, I'm considered a Downworlder by most of the Shadowhunter community now, too."

"Wow." Simon let out a breath. "You did not strike me as the jealous type."

"Maybe I'm just getting tired of you leaving your stink around here." Alaric shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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