Chapter 3: The First Awkward Valentine's Day Date

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Lincoln's POV

I was in my room, lying in my bed, I'm trying to not think about that kiss I made with Ronnie Anne, in order to forget it for a while, I start to read my comic in my underwear, until my sisters came in inside to meddler about what happened.

"Girls, what are you guys doing here? Don't you see that I need privacy?" I said angrily, "I know, but we came here to say that it was so cute what you did with Ronnie Anne" Leni said, "About what? The kiss?" I said, "Yeah, we saw everything, did she confessed that she likes you?" Lynn said, "Actually yeah, she likes me and to be honest, I like her too" I said as they start screaming and fangirling, "That's awesome, bro" Luna said, "Congratulations Lincoln, you had officially became a man" Lana said, "Yeah, we need to plan a date for them, I'll bring the tea cups for a tea party date" Lola said, "No, that's too girly, I'll write a poem for the couple" Lucy said, "No, we should..." Lana said, as everyone starts to argue again, while I was annoyed by them, until Lori knock my door and she told us something awesome.

"Guys, guess what? I'm going out with Bobby tonight" Lori said with excitement, "Good for you, you'll have fun, while we are staying in home doing nothing" I said, "I know, and I'm sorry, you know, I start thinking about what you said about that I cancelled your plans, and you're right, it's not fair that I'm going out, while you are staying here the entire night doing nothing in Valentine's Day, so I decided to change my mind and I'll give you permission to go out and make your plans" Lori said, "Really? Thanks Lori, you're awesome" Leni said as everyone starts hugging her, "Yeah, yeah, your welcome, now go out and have a great time, I'll be returning at midnight, and I want you here exactly at this hour, so if you arrive late after this hour, I'll literally make your lives miserable, okay?" Lori said, "Yes ma'am" All chanted, as everyone starts to leave from my room to prepare their plans, while I was still reading my comic, until Lori take it away from my hands.

"Lincoln, you'll come to me" Lori said, "Why would I go with you?" I said, "Because Bobby told me about your little moment you got with his sister Ronnie Anne, and we both decided to take you with us in a double date" Lori said, "I would love to but I need to...." I said trying to lie to not go out with Ronnie Anne, "Nice try Lincoln, you can trick your lies to everyone, but not with your older sister, you're coming to the date, you like it or not" Lori said angrily, I didn't have other option to make, "Okay, fine, I'll go" I said, "Thanks, just put your clothes back on and try to be my handsome little brother" Lori said as she touches my white hair, "Stop, Lori" I said angrily, so she stopped, "I was kidding, just get dress and be ready, Bobby and Ronnie Anne will be here in 20min" Lori said, as she leaves my room, as I put my clothes back on getting prepared for my date, as they came and they pick us up to go to the French-Mex Restaurant.

30 minutes later.....

Ronnie Anne's POV

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Ronnie Anne's POV

I was on my way with Bobby to the French-Mex restaurant with Lori and Lincoln, as I was nervous because this is going to be the first time I'm going out with Lincoln for reals, I don't know if I'm happy or excited, but I hope for more things tonight, so we arrived to the restaurant, but Lori got others plan with Bobby.

"We arrived, oh yeah, I almost forgot, I lied, this is not a double date" Lori said, "What?!?" Me and Lincoln said, "If it's not a double date, why are we are here?" Lincoln said angrily, "Literally I told you that it was a double date, because I want you guys to have fun together" Lori said, "So you both lied to us, so we can spend more time together?" Lincoln said, "Even you Bobby?" I said, "Yeah, sorry sister, Lori forced me" Bobby said, "I'm disappointed of you Lori Loud" Lincoln said, "I know, but you'll thank me later, have fun on your date, while Bobby and I are going to the restaurant, bye" Lori said, as she holds Bobby's hand and she pull him inside the restaurant, while I was alone with Lincoln, I began to blush again, so I got awkward at this point.

"So...... Now what?" I said with a blushed face, "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" Lincoln said, "Wanna go to the arcade?" I said, "Okay" Lincoln said, as we run away to the arcade.

An hour later....

We were still playing in the arcade, Lincoln beat me in so many video games, even in dance dance revolution, and then we eat pizza, he was so awesome, I see why I love him so much, even with that kiss I gave him in the evening, it made me want to kiss him again, okay, stop Ronnie Anne, you're acting cheezy, go and tell your real feelings for him.

"You know Ronnie Anne, I thought this date was going to end as a disaster, but it ended well" Lincoln said, "I know, even our siblings tricked us, thinking that we were with them, it was awesome spending time with you" I said, "I know, but it was fun" Lincoln said as I began to blush again, I was ready to tell him my feelings, "Lincoln, I need to tell you something" I said, "What is it?" Lincoln said, "Since the day I saw you in school, I start to realized that...." I said, I was really nervous to tell him, "That you really like me?" Lincoln said, "Yeah, how do you know that?" I said, "Because you told me that time before you kiss me" Lincoln said, "Oh yeah, I forgot it, yeah, I like you" I said, "Okay, but what was the question?" Lincoln said, "Do you like me back?" I said, while Lincoln got blushed when he heard that, "To be honest, when you give me the Ace Savvy comic, I got impressed of what you have done, and I don't know, I think I started to have a crush on you" Lincoln said, "Really?" I said, "Yeah, even that I got rejected by so many girls in school, you were the only one that I got along, Ronnie Anne, I like you too, even more than friends" Lincoln said, "Oh, Lincoln, that's so cute" I said, as we start to kiss again until a phone rang, it was from Lincoln's phone, it was Lori, who was worried about his brother, so he answered the call and he put it in speaker to make me listen to it.

"Hey Lori" Lincoln said, "Lincoln, where are you? I arrived home, and it's almost 11:50" Lori said, "We are in the arcade, are the girls there now?" Lincoln said, "Yeah, they arrived 16min ago, you're the only one who is missing, and mom and dad are arriving in 10min, I need you in the house now" Lori said, "Okay, I'm coming" Lincoln said, "Fine, don't arrive late or I'll literally gonna make your life miserable" Lori said, "I'll be there, bye" Lincoln said, as he hangs up, and he told me that he needs to go back home now, so we leave the arcade, and I give him company in his way back home.

10 minutes later....

We arrived to my house first, as I was saying goodbye to Lincoln.

"Thanks for taking me home, are you sure you're not getting into trouble if you arrive late?" I said, "I'll take the risk for you" Lincoln said, as we started hugging, and he walks away to his house, I hope he doesn't get into trouble because of my fault, but I was so happy that Lincoln and I were almost to be a couple, so I went inside my house until my parents saw me with a angry face, I think I'm in trouble now.

A "Cheezy" Valentine's Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now