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After the dance, Lincoln and I went to the Ace Savvy convention with Clyde and Brina, and it was an amazing experience, I didn't know how fun those conventions are, we were having a great time, until we saw some guys from school who are making fun of us, so we ignore them, but they were still laughing, thinking that we are still weirdos, so Lincoln and I decided to make them comebacks to them, as I punch one of them for been mean, I wasn't afraid of what they say, so they freaked out and they ran away, as we learned that our love is more stronger than anything else here, and that we are in love with each other no matter what people think and says, this is was a Cheezy Valentine's Day Story that we should tell someday, as we started to laugh and walk away together.

The End <3


Author's Note: Here the epilogue I promised to post, sorry for posting it right now with 40 likes, but at least I tried to make it arrived higher, bu oh well, anyway, thanks for reading this story, it means a lot to me, more stories about "The Loud House" will come soon, so stay tuned, thanks, love you! ;)

A &quot;Cheezy&quot; Valentine's Day StoryWhere stories live. Discover now